So, I was surfing around and reading articles and blogs and so on - TopicsExpress


So, I was surfing around and reading articles and blogs and so on so forth, and I read this thing about a clean home is a happy home. I agree, dont get me wrong, but this woman was ridiculous. She was like a cleaning Nazi with her two kids and one was only two and the other was four. She then went on to say that any wife/mother who let their house get messy was a complete failure and needs to get their priorities in line. She also went on to talk about how horrible it is to have animals in the house where they can effect the children. Oh, sweetheart. I will be the first to tell you, my house is not spit shine clean. It is messy half the time and it is lived in all the time. There are toys scattered around my daughters bedroom and half the time, every other room. There are dishes in the sink most of the time and sometimes (gasp) I leave them in there for a couple of days. We have an inside/outside dog and inside cats. No, I would not recommend you eat off the floor and if you mind dust, dont look under the couch, but, I will say this: My house is my home. My child is happy and taken care of. I would not trade my animals for anything and if I wouldnt want to spend 100% of my time outside, no matter the weather, then my animals damn sure arent going to. Im not going to spend my ever waking moment of what free time I do have worrying about the molecule of dust that is on my what-not, or the three bowls in the sink, or if my child forgot to put up her video game case. I may not be the best mother or wife, but I am damn sure not a failure and neither is any other wife or mother who lets the house slide to spend time with her family or any other reason. Anyway, rant over lol.
Posted on: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 23:53:17 +0000

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