So I watched this John Oliver video on youtube about Ferguson and - TopicsExpress


So I watched this John Oliver video on youtube about Ferguson and police militarization about 30 minutes ago. I exist in a bit of a news vacuum since we dont watch TV or get the paper and I dont really seek out news on the internet. But obviously I dont live under a rock and I do get on Facebook (too much) and read mommy blogs (too much) so Im aware of the horrible sickening stuff going on in Ferguson (and all over the US and the world). I thought about posting this John Oliver video because it resonated with me and made me think, you know… thoughts… but I know I have a diverse group of friends who mostly just want to see cute pictures of my kids and I didnt want to make them or me uncomfortable so I didnt. I decided to just sit here and stare off into space and be sad. But then I refreshed my Facebook stream and yall, I sh*t you not, I saw this open letter reposted by New Orleans Moms Blog and I was like FINE, divine power thats obviously disgusted by my silence, I HEAR YOU!!! (This could be God, or my own conscience speaking to me. Im ok with it being either) And I hear Keesha Beckford who wrote the open letter on BonBon Break reposted by New Orleans Mom Blog. And Im reposting both because, well, it makes me really sad to think that Jacksons black friends at school dont have the same chances of living through their teenage years as my son. My son, who if hes anything like either of his parents, will probably be in trouble with the law at some point. And as a white girl who raised plenty of hell as a teenager but never felt threatened by a police officer, not even when I was being ticketed or caught clearly breaking the law, the situation makes me pretty nauseous. For those who will say reposting a couple of things on Facebook is about as helpful as dumping a bucket of ice water on my head, well… its more than I was planning to do 30 minutes ago. So its a small step in the right direction.
Posted on: Thu, 21 Aug 2014 00:55:59 +0000

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