So, I went to vote today. Fred and I went together. I still get - TopicsExpress


So, I went to vote today. Fred and I went together. I still get excited about voting, even though I have to cast my ballot at the Prayer and Praise Fellowship Church and they take the opportunity to beef up their signs on voting day. Maybe thats my imagination. Dont like having to vote in a church, but hey, no biggie, right? So there was a good crowd there, but we had plenty of machines so no wait. Went right up to a machine, put my card in, then heard a loud angry voice yelling just to my right. It was a fiftyish white man yelling at a fiftyish Black woman poll worker. He was yelling, Im not gonna give my card to you. How do I know you wont throw it away? You cant prove to me my vote will count if I give it to you. The card, now, not a ballot. We have electronic machines. Over and over, louder and louder. She is calling him Sir, he is waving his arms getting in her face. I pulled out my phone to dial 911, but no reception. I yelled, Will somebody call the police? So another poll worker, a White woman, came over to calm him down. Now, I specify race for a reason. The first thing this asshat says to the White woman was, I have been voting all my life and I have never had to give my ballot to one of them. I need to make sure my vote gets counted. How do I know she wont throw it away? Really. In 2014. At the polls. Hows that post-racial America working out for you?
Posted on: Tue, 04 Nov 2014 20:57:58 +0000

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