So I will share with you all the tale of Scrappy & Lucy. While - TopicsExpress


So I will share with you all the tale of Scrappy & Lucy. While Ian Heywoods sister Kausar Hetherington and her handsome hubby who looks like Paul Hollywood were visiting last week we were coming home and Les said there is a chicken by the road we did not see it and got home, so I said to Ian do you want to go back and see if it was? he said no, Les is tired might be seeing things so we left it. That night we went into town for dinner, no chicken on the way in so though Ian was right, then coming back about 9:30 we spotted the chicken, Ian pulled over and I got out, spotted 2 chickens, so out comes Ian and Kausar, Les decided to sit in the car. Now, needless to say Scrappy (the one with not a lot of feathers) was quite canny and decided nope, you are not catching me, all the time, crying and squawking. So with Kausar first day in Scotland and not sure of them, she was holding back a bit, at one point I decided to take my shirt off to throw over her, that did not work as every time I heard a car coming I had to grab the shirt and put it back on, meanwhile Kausar is nearly pissing herself with her legs crossed watching me trying to catch this chicken, Ian meanwhile is not a lot of help just sort of standing there giving in and out of the brambles, back and forth across the road, eventually I got ahold of her, put her in the back of the car, Les still sitting in the back seat while I went to fetch Lucy. Lucy was more in the brambles again, this time the 3 of us tried to coral her towards the car, I eventually gave a lunge and got her by the back feathers, putting her in the back with Scrappy. Now, got them home, Ian had to clean out his trunk as they had pooped on the short drive home. Whoever was renting the farm down the road must have just left the chickens, hence Mr Fox had a feast before coming through the woods to snag two of mine on separate occasions, which Mr Fox being hit by a car the week before, these two girls were living out free ranging on their own for I dont know how long. Tried to put them in with my hens, but Scrappy was just inundated with fighting from them all, she will not back down, hence the name. So at the present moment they are living in the back yard and in a week or so once they have rested and gained their strength they will be reintroduced to the group. So there you have the story of Lucy and Scrappy. Hopefully when they have settled down we will be graced with eggs from them. :) xx Kathryn Luna Vogel you were laughing when I told you, here you go. :)
Posted on: Thu, 17 Jul 2014 09:17:20 +0000

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