So, I woke up a few minutes ago and cant go back to sleep. So I - TopicsExpress


So, I woke up a few minutes ago and cant go back to sleep. So I decided to read for a while and, well now I find myself thinking. Why is it in scripture, Jesus used words like deny yourself and take up your cross and lose your life for my sake, yet in Christianity today, at least in most of what I see, so few people seem to be doing that? Why is it that today, following Christ seems to be more like a checklist of good deeds and making sure you stay away from the really bad sins? It scares me to death to think that one day, countless people who are filling churches today will hear the words, I never knew you, come out of Christs mouth. What have we done to the truth of salvation? Weve taken away the cost of following Jesus and reduced it to nothing. Weve watered down the gospel in a hope of getting more people in the church. But as Paul told the Galatians, I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting Him who called you in the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel - not that there is another one... If there is no other gospel, then what is this watered down, cost free, existence that is being offered today. My fear is that, and I know I am not alone, it is a one way ticket to eternal damnation. Christ does not call us to lives of comfort and plenty. He calls us to lives of reckless abandonment of all that we cling to in this life and to give everything to make His glory known. Question: Have you REALLY counted the cost? Do you live in Christ or are you just hoping to avoid hell? Would you give it all for Him, or just the things you dont really want anyway? Will He say to you, Well done good and faithful servant, or will you hear, depart from me, I never knew you? Might be worth checking into. One more from Paul, Examine yourselves, to see whether or not you are in the faith. Test yourselves. Or do you not realize this about yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you? - unless indeed you fail to meet the test! (2 Cor 13:5 ESV)
Posted on: Thu, 13 Mar 2014 05:55:19 +0000

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