So I would just like to start by expressing how incredibly - TopicsExpress


So I would just like to start by expressing how incredibly appreciative I am of the people who have created and contribute to this discussion, you have been a garden of light and love for me, always refreshing my passion and enthusiasm for understanding my own metaphysics. Just a little about myself, I have been experiencing a quantum shift in the experience of my own self identity and the world around me, as Im sure everyone else here has as well. About three years ago circumstance created extreme suffering in my life as my health, future ambitions, and self-understanding began to crumble. I was exposed to enlightened visionaries like Eckhart Tolle, Micheal Bernard Beckwith, and Paramahansa Yogananda who guided me to new modes of thought. As I began to practice meditation and chigong my focus and attention were freed from the incessant stream of thoughts fixated on my physical senses. As my focus was no longer tuned to these perceptions my awareness began to expand to encompass and experience the formless within myself. It has been a beautiful journey of discovery ever since, as every progression leads to more discovery and more beauty within my understanding of the love intelligence that guides the infinitely unfolding creation/destruction of this present moment. And as I began to uncover the truths written so many times in so many religious doctrines and largely misunderstood by most of the populous, I decided I would be a contributing factor in bringing this new consciousness to the World at large, just as you all are just by being the enlightened individuals that you are. As we are all connected in ways I still cannot fully fathom, just look at how we have all gravitated to each other to share and grow in our new experiences, one only needs to look at the members in this group to see that it is a global phenomena. So I decided to study environmental engineering in hopes of developing a better understanding of the sciences and hopefully one day being able to contribute to the science of self, and our understanding of what we truly are. I believe the information revolution created by the internet has perpetuated extreme spiritual growth allowing the transfer of knowledge and creating the medium for exposing the entire world to a new state of enlightened conscious understanding, as spiritual traditions of eastern cultures are able to spread and practices influencing self discovery like meditation are embraced. For to know yourself is to know the universe as we are integral parts of it, containing all dynamics within, and the ethereal dimension of self historically known in Judeo/Christian theology as the soul, is finally being understood. So now that I have shared where I am coming from I would like to share some of my experiences in hopes of finding clarity, or maybe just to see that Im not the only one experiencing these different dimensions of consciousness. When I go into deep meditation, or sometimes certain experiences can trigger it. But I begin to enter into a new mode of perception. Within this dynamic of reality I begin to experience the exterior world through my heart (if that makes any sense) its like when you see a family member in a dream whether they look like them or not is irrelevant, because you can feel who they are, you feel their essence. Its kind of like that, I can feel my surroundings and the people I encounter and when I visualize or imagine things in this state I dont picture them in my mind, its more like they are projected into my surrounding by perceptions of the heart. It doesnt last forever though, my reality always seems to be in a constant fluctuation, the product of my actions and thoughts, no matter how much I develop and learn of these states of being they are never permanent. If I spend a while with friends in lower levels of development I begin to attach to my ego once more. I always thought that enlightenment was a permanent state of being, but one of my professors at SDSU teaching Psychology of Religion believes that our states are impermanent, and that even enlightenment and absolute clarity is not dissociated from the paradox of a fleeting perception rooted in the infinite all knowing. Thoughts?
Posted on: Thu, 30 Jan 2014 17:37:42 +0000

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