So I wrote this and it showed up on YoungCons and - TopicsExpress


So I wrote this and it showed up on YoungCons and RedNationRising: The community college where I work is now promoting food stamps as a form of financial aid. I sat in a meeting over a year ago where the administrators who attended were hoping the Farm Bill passed so that they had more funds with which to work on “retaining and graduating” students. When I told them the Farm Bill was NOT for farmers but pork laden to create more welfare dependency, they said they knew. They were lobbying Harrisburg for it to pass. They figured if students did not have to work, they would not drop out, thus keeping our numbers “in check” and our Federal Aid on track. See? It is never about the students. It is all about the money, even if it is at the expense of the taxpayer who foots the bill..the future taxpayers they are hoping to create with the degrees procured by our institution. As a result, the system of higher academia is becoming a vicitm of their own decades long propaganda. These institutions of higher education, including mine, that have promoted “social justice”, “fair share”, and “white rich people are evil” for decades are now lamenting the lack of enrollment at their schools. Well, duh. Why would anyone WANT to stay in school if they are being told that not only are handouts available to them but if one is a minority, they are “entitled” to other people’s earned wealth simply because they exist? Also, the unions and a large portion of most higher education faculty voted en masse for administrations that are NOT job/business friendly, so there are no jobs when the students graduate. They promote welfare use and then support anti-capitalism policies. If there are no jobs and welfare is the answer, then why would students continue to college? The support for anti-capitalist administrations and policies for the past several decades including the current one has led us to this point. A perfect example is Obamacare. ”Free” healthcare for all! If anyone was against Obamacare, they were accused of wanting to “throw Granny from the cliff”! Since no one actually read the bill before it was passed (a minor detail as ”social justice” in the form of “free” healthcare for all at the supposed expense of the “evil rich” passed), no one knew of the fallout to follow. Many students are now working two part time jobs to support themselves since businesses have cut back hours to avoid Obamacare fees. This limits how much time is available for school. The social justice crowd screams “Raise the minimum wage!”, but, as my students who live in the real world tell me, that would negatively affect their income, especially if they rely on commission and/or tips, or maybe even cost them the job(s) they currently have. In addition, adjunct hours are being cut to avoid Obamacare penalties. Surprise! How did that happen? This healthcare is FREE! No…nothing in life is free, even if “social justice” says so. Many of these faculty members think the school should “suck up the difference”. This is their math: anti-capitalism mentality + evil, rich people forcibly partaking in “fair share” + welfare= job security. However, they fail to understand how the real world works. If welfare is now considered financial aid for college and NOT as a safety net for those who have nothing, then why go to college at all? There is no point in studying to get a degree to help get a job that does not exist if the money made from working will be…someone else’s mandated financial aid. Enrollment is down and hours are cut because of this decades long support of these progressive policies, but all they are doing is whining about it and passing blame. It is something to watch the progressive left in higher education fall victim to their own agenda. Add this now to Obama’s recent speech regarding how the government will decide who passes college and who does not, and we have the blueprint for why NOT to go to college. No financial incentive. No personal incentive. We are all part of the “collective”, and big daddy government will care for us. It has been their mantra for as long as I have been alive. Recently, though, it does not realistically appear to match the theoretical utopia causing unease among them regarding their own incomes, which are usually off the table and protected under the union umbrella. The “student loan bubble” is about to burst in more ways than one, and liberal academia can claim a very big part in that.
Posted on: Tue, 17 Sep 2013 00:07:07 +0000

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