So Im doing a lot of thinking (Uh, oh here it comes). There is - TopicsExpress


So Im doing a lot of thinking (Uh, oh here it comes). There is just a lot of division going on in the church (as a whole, not my church-we are always awesome in every way, lol). Alot of the division is being exhumed from a corroded opinion of what the Word says, or doesnt say. Tons and TONS of eisegesis going on (a word which here means, putting your own opinion or biased interpretation of a scripture or passage into the Bible and calling it truth) and whats worse is the masses of people buying into it hook, line, and sinker. Some examples of things I have heard and seen, just in the past 2 or 3 weeks: 1. Jesus does not expect you to stop sinning. (Um.. What? Go and sin no more ring a bell anyone?) 2. Sin that was labeled sin in the old testament is no longer labeled sin in the new testament. (With the exception of murder and theft and anything done against you. Then its wrong and they should burn. OOkay.) 3. Jesus just wants you to be happy in life, it really isnt about living a laid-down (selfless) life anymore. Thats so apostle Paul. (Literally the phrase they used, not even playing. Lets sing this phrase to the persecuted church as they watch their families murdered for the cause of Christ. American body, weve gotten so fat on our prosperity and ideology its sickening.) This is just a few i really could go on and on. People, read the Bible. Better yet, talk to the Holy Spirit as you read the Bible. That is the best way to keep your self from putting your ideas into scripture. I have been labeled by a sister in Christ as a religious, annoying, scripture spitter. The thing is, i dont want to bring people to hate the Word. I want them to love it! As i was telling the Lord this, he immediately reminded me of all the prophets. They were HATED by Gods people. Why? Because they carried the truth that contradicted the lifestyle the people wanted to live. I cannot change who I am or my passion for the unchanging Word of God. Its a very unpopular stance. I have to be prepared to be completely torn to shreds by other believers. I also can be Spirit-led and that means i dont always have to open up my mouth. (Though sometimes I feel like Jeremiah with the fire shut up in his bones. Contrary to popular belief he wasnt talking about the Holy Spirit or his passion so-to-speak. He was talking about his Spirit-breathed message. He wanted to stop telling people the truth because of their hatred but he literally couldnt because it was burning inside of him.) All of this is to say that no matter what crazy, americanized ideology rears its ugly head in the days to come, just remember one thing: if it tickles your sin making u comfortable to stay in it- its against scripture. (Dont believe me? Read Romans or the gospels or Corinthians, or hey, I dont know, the whole Bible. The reason the cross is even a part of our faith is because it was the only way to get rid of the power of sin in our lives.) If youre not sure if what you are currently into is a sin, read the Bible. If the Bible doesnt say specifically, ask the author. Trust me, he will always tell you. The worst thing you can do is look to man for answers. Its very sad but true. And lastly, LOVE. I may not understand why people choose to do what they do, but thats between them and God. If I am led of the Lord with my words and love them with all my heart, i cannot fail them or God. Its not my job to change people, or even convince them. Its my job to hold fast to truth, speak it in love, and wash their feet. That was Jesus. That should be the church. That is what I must be.
Posted on: Sat, 25 Oct 2014 19:28:52 +0000

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