So,,,, Im in the bathroom washing up, getting ready for bed a - TopicsExpress


So,,,, Im in the bathroom washing up, getting ready for bed a little bit ago, I hear a scratching on the wall outside our bathroom, after my skunk ordeal the other day, I come into the living room and tell my hubby I hear something scratching on the house outside... We grab slippers and flip flops, and a flashlight, out back we go,,,,,, oh CRAP, its that damn skunk!!!!! We spent 45 minutes double checking every inch of the back of the house to keep that nasty creature out!! We saw him/her twice, first time I shined the flashlight on it all I saw was tail sticking straight up, told my hubby its that damn skunk!! We jumped back so we didnt get sprayed, gathered up some boards and things to block the openings, and shined the flashlight at the house, and there it is, two eyes glowing looking at us, gave my hubby an old pot and he threw it at it, we ran as it ran across the backyard with its tail all proofed out, didnt spray thank god!! Hey, skunk, go find some place else to live!!!!!!!!! Wonder if I call animal control (they do carry rabies) if they would do anything.....
Posted on: Sat, 08 Mar 2014 05:50:56 +0000

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