So Im now two years in to living at my current house, two years - TopicsExpress


So Im now two years in to living at my current house, two years ago on my birthday I moved here with my beloved housemates Jake1 and Cassie. I chose my room from a floorplan because I didnt care where I lived as long as I was in good company and they were the best I could imagine. I was lucky enough to see them start so many chapters in their lives, after living with them for over five years, and I couldnt ask to be in the company of anyone better than these two. So now its sinking in that theyve bought their own house, and are living 100% independently its almost bittersweet. However, then I remember that my current housemates are also an all-star line-up and I realise couldnt be more blessed to be surrounded by such talented and amazing people 24/7 both at home and at work. This past year, though, I have had conversations with people which have changed my worldview, and my attitude on life. Some people I hold in very high regard have noticed my snarkiness was getting out of hand. My cynicism was getting the best of me at times and it made me realise I was straying very far from something I had read at age 15 which made me want to change who I was back then even. Think with equanimity, speak with dispassion, act in calm. Thinking with equanimity was something that Ive been brought up with, its something that is ingrained in to my very core by my family. To never judge others before you get to know them, to give the benefit of the doubt, and to love everyone equally. Speaking with dispassion is something I will probably never be able to do, but it is always a facade to keep handy. Raised emotions can create tension and exacerbate situations. However emotions are also very special and something to be cherished, its human and its natural. Its not just emotions though, its diplomacy. Putting aside what you want to say with vigour to say what you mean without hurting the other person. Acting in calm is probably the hardest one. Its very easy to fly off the handle and its probably the one Ill be paying the most attention to. Too often have I not taken a three second pause before acting in a situation. Giving myself time to rationalise before launching into things. So thats what Ill be dedicating my year to. Act in calm. Im very grateful to have such an amazing network of friends and co workers around the world, who are willing to speak their mind and give me their time. So on my birthday Id like to give thanks. You know who you are. A few things changed in the last year also, I resigned from to make time for Sugar, a decision which I stand by. Adelaide is full of amazing places, and is starting its next chapter with amazing style, but Sugar is an Adelaide institution and Im so honoured to be part of the team that creates such a safe, accepting and fun atmosphere to get down with some of the the most creative acts in its wonderfully eclectic music scene. So big ups to Driller, Benny and the talented and hard working staff behind the bar, some who are holding down two jobs and Uni at the same time. Mad respect. On birthdays, people often mention theyre getting old, like they fear age. I personally dont get it. Age is a badge of honour to be worn proudly. In one hand its nothing really, another trip around the Sun, but in the other its the greatest honour to be alive in our world today. To experience the highs and lows and to make the greatest impact you can on the world around you. I personally cant wait to be older (hopefully I go gray and achieve the George Clooney look I so long for) and I know that life only gets better because Ive seen my parents and grandparents be such amazing and rad people. I encourage my sisters to take the same attitude, because with each passing year, they just get ever more exponentially amazing and are growing in to the most incredible versions of themselves I could have ever hoped for. Again, Im stoked to be surrounded by all of you incredible people, you give me hope for the world and make me want to be the best me I can be, so thank you all. So, thoughtful shit aside, thanks everyone for being rad, now lets get loose and dance to 90s hip hop at Mixed Tape tonight!!!
Posted on: Wed, 02 Apr 2014 04:30:55 +0000

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