So Im posting this video for a couple of reasons. This is a video - TopicsExpress


So Im posting this video for a couple of reasons. This is a video of a brother venting his frustrations with other black ppl concerning activism when it comes to tragedy. His rhetoric is one of a person who believes in the Boot-Strap Theory which calls for black people to attain their equality through hard work and self determination. He uses exerts from the bible and comical satire to convey his argument. I have many issues with this video and I have chosen to air my concerns out on here. Firstly, who is this guy and why does he think this video is inspiring or proactive. He (repeatedly) says all black people know how to is blame the police and white people for their problems. He suggest that our situation will not get better until we DO better. On this we agree, but one cannot ignore the systems, conditions and factors that left us impoverished, disenfranchised and institutionalized. Thats like blaming a butterfly for making its cocoon in a rotting tree without figuring out what caused the tree to rot in the first place. You cant yell, oh black ppl are killing each other so whats the fuss about when the police kill them? Theres a fuss b/c THE POLICE KILLED AN UNARMED TEENAGED BOY. Theres justified anger when a force meant to protect and serve, continues to imprison and kill its citizens. Citizens that have the same rights as anyone else in the nation. Every race kills there own. Most Asians are killed by Asians, Spanish by Spanish and whites by whites. The focus on black on black crime is just a misdirection used to further encourage black people to distrust their own. Secondly, the satire is offensive and unnecessary. I understand hes upset and want things to CHANGE, but what contributions is he making to that change. What good is he walking through to ask its residents to stop the violence. What area of town is he helping find employment or housing? What is he changing? Its people like him who point out every problem with black people but fail to provide any constructive solutions. I think he is brainwashed like most of us and sees more flaw in his own people than redemption. You cant see a picture and forget to think about what technique was used to paint it. You cant point out a pictures flaws without concerning yourself with the things that may have caused those flaws. This type of activism is detrimental to the advancement and we have got to show ourselves Love and Encouragement. Not berate and speak down on them. Weve got to #spreadlove m.worldstarhiphop/apple/video.php?v=wshhc70Hx2d9sLLAb26k
Posted on: Thu, 14 Aug 2014 20:08:57 +0000

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