So Im sitting here about to look online for an inspiring quote for - TopicsExpress


So Im sitting here about to look online for an inspiring quote for the day and then I read this email from a client... I think I feel inspired. Here it is, Our Soulfit Experience 2014 We sat with our son’s grade 4 teacher early this year not comprehending what was transpiring. Something was not right. Our beautiful, intelligent, empathetic, and happy boy had gone from consistent As and Bs to Cs, Ds and Es. WT? Through the haze we heard the teacher use phrases such as “impulse control issues”; “bright boy with what I believe to be a learning disability”. The action plan was to seek professional advice. GP to Developmental Paediatrician to Psychological Neural Processing tests. Lots of money and time. We went on the wait list to have our boy tested after being told that the Paediatrician was looking for, and expecting to find, ADHD. Bless waiting times as, cue the music, the universe introduced me to Soulfit and Beanie. Enjoying an overdue catch up with a good friend I was invited to join her to be at Beanies’ inaugural Stress Management Seminar at Soulfit. Great seminar but the real gift was meeting Beanie and what followed. Beanie agreed to see our son for a kinesiology appointment at Soulfit. I was present for that unforgettable experience. It was absolutely awesome, powerful, and healing. My son refers to Beanie as the White Witch with awesome powers to do good. There was an immediate improvement in our boy’s ability to sit still. As time went by, and we continued to follow Beanie’s program and advice, I received email after email from his teacher exclaiming improvement and then ‘no sign of impulse control issues’. Finally we went through and completed the Psych testing and then recently we got the results. NO sign of ADHD. Our calm and happy boy tested high and very high on most tests. This week we had another parent teacher meeting and the teacher can no longer fault our son’s behaviour. Also, we have been told that all his grades have improved significantly. So Beanie, Thank You, Thank You for rescuing our boy from an unnecessary label and from possible years of medication, misunderstanding and struggle to shine. All this from one appointment! Thank you Team Soulfit who have proven to be user friendly and healing in every single contact. Thank you for saving us. Gratefully Yours, Cathy ☺
Posted on: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 03:05:43 +0000

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