So Im sitting in my car outside the gym right now, and I just - TopicsExpress


So Im sitting in my car outside the gym right now, and I just watched a girl walk past me in a long trench coat, sporting a Nazi swastika on her sleeve. Typically Im all for freedom of expression and I support doing what you believe in your heart to be good and right. This how ever...stirred up so many emotions! I have not had such an intense moral conflict in a very long time. I fought myself on if I should get out of my car and yell at her, I debated calling her a few VERY, very ugly names. I thought about shaming her in front of the 4 people standing on the corner talking, I wanted to throw something at her... I even thought about getting out, hitting her and ripping the patch clean off her sleeve. But for what? My anger is not going to change her mind, it would only lead me to a place that my heart has no interest in going. In the end if she has such a skewed view of life, that she finds it acceptable to dawn a symbol that represents so much hate, suffering, and loss, for such a large number of people... no matter how justifiable my anger and frustration would have been, I know deep down a rage filled exchange would not change her view, It would only have brought me down to her shameful level, and after all the hate that that symbol has generated, and continues to embody....why would I ever want to be anything but peaceful. If we cant learn from the atrocities of the past, then we are doomed to repeat them. Too many men women and innocent children have payed with their lives to eliminate that symbol and all the terror that goes along with it....I just cant understand... in a society where all the information is right at your finger tips, how anyone could choose to flaunt such a symbol of intolerance and still hold their head high. So today Im going to choose kindness, and Im going to give thanks for all our military men and women, who have fought and continue to fight for our freedoms. Even if that freedom meens some people are free to wear their ugly hearts on their sleeves. Hate and intolerance are tough behaviors, and cant be changed with more of the same. We need to educate our society to be understanding and kind, no matter what belief someone else may hold, no matter their ethnicity, or social status. Kindness brings kindness, hate brings for those mixed up folks that just dont get it, I say to you! Karma will catch up with you, and just because Im not one to act out violently doesnt meen the next person you pass will be so forgiving.
Posted on: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 20:32:28 +0000

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