So Im sure you are aware now that I take discernment very - TopicsExpress


So Im sure you are aware now that I take discernment very seriously. Let me give this a caption: Conspiracy theories suck, its the things in PLAIN SIGHT that really getcha ;) Note vehemently rebuke those who play into the mass hysteria machine by simply propagating things others have said. Ive spent the last 7 or so of my 21 years in this life intrigued by the Occult and the ease of deception used by the enemies of my faith. Sadly, I come from a Masonic family on my mothers side, a big reason why she, here mother and her sister have no relation with the rest anymore, and thank God for that. A note on the Mystery religions: The Media intertwinement complex have deliberately rendered an air of incredulity to the term Illuminati through various fantastical films and whatnot. The truth of the matter is that word is irrelevant. The concept of a New World Order, a globalized order under which there would be a return to a new hop has been a simple work in project throughout the millennia, guided by Brotherhoods, spiritual and philosophical descendants of the Egyptian Occult teachings and going by various names simultaneously as well as chronologically: The Brotherhood of Saturn, The Sons of Mithra, The Order of the Temple, The Order of the Rose and the Cross, Jesuits, Free Masons, The Illuminated etc and ad nauseum. But the thing is, when you have truth, which in my opinion is the Word of God and the Teachings of Christ as understood before the Council of Nicae, then you realize one very reassuring and ultimate truth: There is NOTHING new under the son. Enjoy, or simply ignore if this is in anyway bothersome to you. Have a blessed day. youtube/watch?v=vjWQEP_BDps&list=PLCOt-m9iVNUajBx8aOs8EN_qxc7weu6Ei
Posted on: Sat, 22 Mar 2014 11:58:57 +0000

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