So Im thinking of writing reviews/recommendations from time to - TopicsExpress


So Im thinking of writing reviews/recommendations from time to time (Ill post a poll about it after this), because it just seems like a neat thing to do. If you want to see me review something, just ask, and Ill do it assuming I can. I was considering making these into videos, but this is far more convenient, but they may get a little lengthy sometimes. Anyway, Ill get onto the review. This review will about a gem I found called Starpoint Gemini 2. If you played the first game, you might be cautious about buying this one; dont worry though, the devs listened to all the feedback and created a great sequel. If you havent played the first one, you get a free copy for buying into the alpha of the second one, so check it out if you want to understand the story a little better. The game is in alpha, but it feels pretty solid and its fun to play. There arent too many bugs, but it does crash from time to time. Also, the map is divided into sections, and the game momentarily freezes when rendering a new section, but it isnt a big deal and they will be working on a fix for it. There isnt much content regarding quests or story yet, but the RPG elements make up for that for now. You can rank up your captain and earn perk and skill points. Ranking up also gives you access to new ships that you couldnt pilot until hitting a certain rank. This adds a sense of progression and gives you something to work for, and this works until there are some more quests. Experience is earned by doing quests and killing enemies, like any other RPG. The combat may take some getting used to, but its fun and tactful when you get the hang of it. Fighting more than two enemies can prove to be quite difficult depending on what ships those enemies have, but an upcoming update will add fighters that can help you in combat. There will be over 70 ships that you can either buy or capture, and each ship can be customized. You can also buy officers (as long as you can keep paying their salary), that will provide your ship with bonuses. Right now, there arent too many ways of making a lot of money, but theyre aware of this and will add more balance to the game as it progresses. The game also has full mod support, and I think I read that they will eventually have a steam workshop for the game (I could be thinking of a different game). Aside from that, the devs are doing a very good job and are clearly passionate about their game. They respond and talk to the players a lot as quickly as they can. They are always looking for suggestions, and have already implemented 6 community suggested ideas. All in all, I definitely recommend this game, even in its current state. The game itself is fun right now, and looks to be very promising in the future. That about wraps up this review, I may have left some stuff out, but I didnt wanna get too much into the mechanics and controls, and I wanted to keep it relatively short. Im not going rate games I review, Ill just let you decide if the game sounds like something youd be interested in.
Posted on: Thu, 16 Jan 2014 18:13:01 +0000

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