So Im walking my dogs up my own driveway to do their business, and - TopicsExpress


So Im walking my dogs up my own driveway to do their business, and when they are done and walking back towards the house from the garage area, there is this white pit bull with spots on it walking up from the road towards us. Not threatening in any way, but I knew my dogs would go ballistic. So I get a death grip on their leashes before I call out first calmly telling the dog to go home and then loudly because the dog continued to approach us hoping that someone would come get their dog. I was stuck in this tight gripped holding pattern until the dog decided to meander on through the yard and out to McClaren Street. I came in, unleashed my dogs, grabbed one of their leashes, grabbed my camera. I spotted the dog up the road enjoying his/her stroll and started taking pics. The neighbor right next door tried calling the dog back and went after it. By that time it walked in front of the neighbor across the streets house. The wonderful young lady upstairs proceeded to scream at me in her usual fashion and then the screaming stopped long enough for her to make it down her stairs, open her door, and scream some more. It was very hard to tell exactly what message she was trying to get across in between the string of profanities, but I think it was something about it being illegal to take pics of her house (rental mind you) and something about giving me a picture of her butt and then something about calling the cops on me. Yep, intelligent folks these are. I meandered back in my house while taking some nice shots of her still screaming and proceeded to call the police. I really hate bothering them with such petty stuff when there are robberies and beatings and shootings, but I have had just about enough of this behavior. Unfortunately the officer was not able to issue a ticket for unleashed dog because he did not visualize it and could not use pics as evidence, but they will be looked at for rabies vaccine and license (yeah, we know about that routine). While this is all going down, I have a visit that I totally forgot about of a kitten that needed distemper vaccine, wormer, and flea stuffs. Poor people didnt realize they were going to get a bit of a show along with their visit. They were wonderful about it though. Every complaint they have lodged against me (unknown if they have attempted to make reports or not) have been proven to not be illegal activity. Their behavior and harassment and dogs off leash are indeed proven to be illegal. Is it that people just dont have anything better to do or that they havent grown up yet to know what really matters in life and what they should get their panties in a bunch over or what. So now I get to call the police (the officer said I should do this) for this petty bs because I have a bunch of kids around here who are old enough to know better, and the wrong people keep moving out. I do believe a call to some landlords would be in order, dont you?
Posted on: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 23:33:27 +0000

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