So, Ive been a stay at home wife/mom for most of my married life - TopicsExpress


So, Ive been a stay at home wife/mom for most of my married life (nearly 22 years), other than the occasional part time job, which amounted to maybe three years total work time and was mostly before we had children. I began college back when my oldest was in preschool, with the intent of becoming a nurse. I finished two years and I quit. I quit because I failed Elementary Algebra and I let it discourage me to the point of quitting. My degree only required two math courses, but because I was so math illiterate, I was having to take two pre-req math courses before I could take the two required courses. Back when I was in school, the only higher math I was taught was Pre-Algebra and that was in 9th grade. Anyway, I quit college and continued being a stay at home wife/mom. Well, about six years ago, I fell into the trap that most stay at home moms fall into. I began to feel like my life was amounting to nothing. I didnt have a successful career like most of my friends did. I also fell into the fear that if something ever happened to my husband, I wouldnt be able to take care of myself and our kids without a college degree. So, with that, I started college again. I was determined to face these math courses head on. So I took the first course, studied my booty off and got an A in the class. I took the second course, studied my booty off and got another A. I was astounded because at one time I feared math like the plague. After I took these two math courses, along with some other courses, the desire to pursue a degree suddenly vanished. I didnt understand it, especially since I had just paid several thousands of dollars to take these courses. Suddenly the fear left, the feelings of not amounting to anything (as dictated by society) left and I quit college again and I have no desire whatsoever to ever go back to pursue a degree in anything. I am totally in love with being a stay at home wife/mom and I cannot imagine doing anything else, even when my kids are grown and gone. I love being home and taking care of everyone/everything. I love, love, love it! I was talking to my hubby and oldest daughter the other day about college as she is trying to decide if she wants to go or not. The comment was made that me going back to college was a waste since Im planning on never going back. At first, I was like, “yeah, it was a waste”. But then almost immediately, Abba began to show me a few things and now I can say that it was not a waste at all. I now see Abbas plan so clearly. At one time I said I would NEVER homeschool my children. Once again, fear was telling me that I wasnt qualified and that Id screw them up. For the past few years, Ive wanted to homeschool but was still in so much fear. Well, with my Kings help, I finally got over that fear and this was our first year homeschooling and I LOVE it!! Miriam just started Pre-Algebra and the mom who, at one time, would not have been able to help her one bit, is teaching her. Abba brought me thru that to teach me so that I could teach my kids. He knew that He was bringing me to the place of homeschooling and He knew that I needed to know this math. I am no longer afraid of math and I am no longer afraid of screwing my kids up. We have so much fun learning and most importantly, we are together. I am free from the bondage of having to put my trust in others (teachers/a broken school system) to teach my children. My career (mom) is the most important thing Ill ever do. It far outweighs anything I could do as a nurse, doctor, therapist, lawyer, etc. It is the highest calling for a woman. What Im doing matters more than I could have ever imagined. What I am doing is far more important than anything I could be doing in the workforce. Abba YHWH created us to be everything that our children need (nurturer, teacher, provider, protector, nurse, psychologist, cheerleader, etc). We were not given these precious gifts to just hand them over to strangers to raise them and teach them. Its our duty as their moms. They must come before our careers and personal goals. When we decided to have children, all of that stuff should have died. There is a huge problem when our kids spend almost more hours in a week at school/daycare than they do at home. This world is so backwards and messed up. My hearts desire is to see more mothers take off their career hats and put on their mom hats; not just a few hours out of the day, but all day everyday. Our kids deserve all of us and they need all of us, not whats left over after a long day at work. Its nobody elses responsibility to raise our children, rather they be other relatives, teachers, daycares, etc. Come on moms, lets give our kids the gift of ourselves before giving ourselves to the rest of the world. I know that some moms cannot help their circumstances and have absolutely no choice but to work. This post is not for you. This is for the moms who choose to work when you dont have to. Almost any mom can be at home with their kids. You may have to make sacrifices and cut expenses and live more simply, but it can be done. Arent your children more important to you than meeting some career/personal goal? I dont know where that last bit came from. Maybe someone needs to hear it. I started out with this post being just about my testimony of facing my fear of math. Lol.
Posted on: Tue, 20 May 2014 17:29:43 +0000

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