So Ive been really down lately, but it also has opened my eyes to - TopicsExpress


So Ive been really down lately, but it also has opened my eyes to a few things. I have the most amazing family a person could ever ask for. My brothers Adam Michael Amann and Aaron Amann are the funniest people i have ever met. Whenever i hang out with them i cant help but laugh uncontrollably no matter what we do. We never really got along till they became freshman in high school but Im so glad we did, i love you guys more than anything and no matter what the next few years or the rest of our lives throw at us i know we will always be close. If you guys ever need anything I will ALWAYS be here for you, just like i know you will always have my back. Next are my two amazing parents Janet Nick Amann and Paul Amann. I dont know what i would do without you. Mom, you drive me nuts sometimes but you are the reason I am as organized and on time as i am today, and you have helped me through so much, I really appreciate you and your constant nagging too. Dad, thank you for everything you have done as well. For my car, being as financially stable as I am now, you are both amazing people and I am the luckiest kid in the world for having you as my parents, you guys helped me through a lot, especially when i was in Georgia for OSUT. I love you guys more than anything and appreciate you. Isabelle Amann i know we dont get to see each other much, and we dont talk a ton but i love you. you are so much fun to hang out with and be around and we really need to hang out more. I would do anything for you sis, and Im just a text or call away, if you ever need anything I got you, but just so we are clear i will destroy you in ROTC in the coming years lmao ;) and last but not least the Welton family. William Andrew Robert man you are the one friend since second grade i could always count on and to this day you are still my closest friend, and even more, my battle buddy. I love you bro, and you already know i would go to hell and back for you. I will always have your back, and even though sometimes you can really piss me off i couldnt ask for a better friend. Bree Lea and Maddison Lea Pezzelle i know we dont talk much or see each other much but you two are awesome, and the few times i have hung out with you two has been a blast. What i say to Will goes for you two as well (although you are more independent and dont need it as much, no offense Will) i would do anything for you, I feel as if i am a part of your family and i would help you guys if ever needed. Congratulations by the way Maddie (: lastly Michelle Lea and Bill Welton thank you for everything you have done for me. You two are some of the funniest and most helpful people i have ever met, especially when it comes to judging character, you have still yet to be wrong about that. But honestly thank you for letting me stay so often and late and just everything you have done for me. All in all i would have to say Im extremely blessed. I may not have a lot of people in my life to count on, but thats fine. Id rather have a few reliable, great people to count on than a ton of people that dont mean anything to me. Of course there are a ton of other people that mean a lot to me such as family but it would take forever to cover all that so maybe we will save that for another day haha. Anyways, thank you all for everything, i love all of you and you have made the last 19 years of my life the best life i could possibly ask for.
Posted on: Tue, 29 Jul 2014 06:37:18 +0000

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