So, Ive been waiting since May to clear the record but due to my - TopicsExpress


So, Ive been waiting since May to clear the record but due to my arrest (yes, I said arrest) I have had to sit back and allow the gossip to roll off my back. In the very early morning hours, mom and I went to pick up dogs for transport. We had to be on the other side of Birmingham by 4 am so we started early. Two fosters live side by side in the town I lovingly refer to as the armpit of hell for animals. One foster had 2 small black dogs while the other foster had some hounds. I sent my mom next door to get the one black dog leaving on transport and I got the hounds. She walked back to put the dog in the car and I immediately told her she had the wrong dog. Go back. The foster had turned off her lights, wouldnt come to the door or answer her phone. I walked over like I had countless times before and opened her screen door, stepped up on the one step and knocked on the door. She eventually came to the door and opened it. She was holding the correct dog. I told her it was early, she gave us the wrong dog, haha. She said, I told you I wanted to adopt this dog and I said, and I told you no so please give me the dog, we have to go. I had stepped into the house at this point. When I reached for the dog, she pushed me and the rest is a blur. She jumped on my back like a spider monkey and actually BIT me. Not the dog. The human. Bit me. I am fused from C4-7 and she elbowed me in the head, had her full body weight on my neck and back and basically beat the crap out of me. She would not let me out of her house. I tried to go around the table and get to the living room where several volunteers and I had sat and chatted on the weekends. She blocked me from doing so. Eventually, she opened the kitchen door, kicked me out the door and I fell onto the ground holding the dog. I had 13 dogs in the car that needed to take their Freedom Ride so we left. We stopped by the police department on the way back and I was told they were looking for me! The foster called the police, stated that I forced my way into her home, stole her dog and assaulted her. I gave my statement and went home. A couple weeks later I had a warrant for my arrest for the following: 1) Felony burglary 2nd degree 2) Misdemeanor robbery 3rd degree 3) Misdemeanor theft of property 3rd degree 4) Misdemeanor assault 4th degree. I turned myself in. I was handcuffed in front of my mother and escorted downtown to be booked. I had a $64,000 property bond. My arrest charges appeared in the local Daily Mountain Eagle, my mug shot (complete with orange jump suit) appeared in Just Busted and the Corridor Messenger. My grandmother and aunt saw the paper and just about had a stroke. The rumor mill was in full force. The foster was telling everyone that I karate chopped her door in and stole my own rescues mystery mix dog we pulled from a yard sale page and I provided for the entire time while she fostered it. The worst part is that people believed her and even thought this was funny. I had people sending me pictures of my mug shot from unknown phone numbers and telling me what a disappointment I am. Thankfully, there was a witness to her opening the door and me stepping inside. However, once we were inside, there were no witnesses. I was on her property and inside her home. It is her word against mine and a jury could go either way, cost me a lot more money or possibly even convict me of the charges that held a 20 yr prison sentence. The DA dropped everything but the assault charge. If you read the legal definition of burglary, robbery and theft of property...its ridiculous that I was even charged or that an officer of the law interpreted the events that transpired as such. Civil service tests need to tighten up!!! Thats why those charges were dropped...they were unwarranted and unfounded. The foster contacted the board of pharmacy to tell them about the arrest and an investigation was opened. An investigator went to the police station to read the report. I went to college for 8 yrs to earn a BS in Biomedical Science and a Doctorate in Pharmacy. I had already had 5 surgeries for endometriosis by the time I started undergrad. I had a hysterectomy at the age of 24 on May 9, 2003 and started summer classes on May 19. I had several other surgeries by the time I graduated pharmacy school for residual endometriosis. I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis after recognizing that I had significant cognitive impairment. But I made it and graduates. In 2008 I had a metal cage implanted at C5-6. In 2010 I had plastic polymer discs replace C4-5 and C6-7. Im about to have a third cervical medial branch ablation for right arm pain and we have been discussing implanting a spinal cord stimulator for pain management. My point in all this is that Ive been through a lot in my 36 yrs and I have persevered. And this spiteful nut job of a human could have potentially taken it all away because I wouldnt let her adopt a dog. I just stood in front of a judge and pled guilty to assault when I was hit, bit and elbowed in the head. I received a one yr suspended sentence, 24 months unsupervised probation and a $475 fine. That is in addition to the $2500 attorney fee and $1200 bond. I am at a loss. My family wants me to quit rescue altogether. They say its not worth losing my livelihood over and effecting my health like it has. We know now that there are no laws in place and the foster contracts arent worth the paper they are written on. If the police had been called they would have told me it was a civil not criminal matter. I would have had to sue her to get our own dog back. I have tried not to let this get me down. I have continued to rescue and we are closing in on 500 lives changed since March 2014 because of Sashas Hope. But I am angry that this happened. I am embarassed. I had just moved back to Jasper and the next thing you know, my mug shot and name are in the paper. People wont ever know that the charges were dropped. All they know is that that girl they went to high school with named Rachel was arrested for felony burglary. I really need some prayers right now. Good vibes. Well wishes. Whatever you do. I have to let this go and the first step was writing this.
Posted on: Wed, 29 Oct 2014 18:58:16 +0000

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