So... Ive come to the conclusion that this country is officially - TopicsExpress


So... Ive come to the conclusion that this country is officially doomed. Kaput. Done for. And We The People are the only reason why. We have become complacent, overly self indulge, careless, and have de-educated ourselves. It is sickening. We rob and steal from each other. We lie to each other. Be have become consumed by possession and celebrity idolatry. We depend on everyone else to solve our problems or just outright blame everybody else for them. We have let our government control our lives and trick us into to thinking that they have given us everything. In all actuality they just as much as we have segregated ourselves more than ever. We have filled our society with a false sense of comfortability and accomplishment. Our society has become so self indulged in self pleasure and greed, that we have truly weakened and made our country more vulnerable to devastation than ever before. The sad part is that no one person in this country truly cares enough to do anything about it. And I know what youre going to say... I care! If that was true than what have you done to change our course? What have I done to change our course? NOTHING! At least nothing worth talking about. If We the people truly did care we would not have let ourselves become so oblivious to truth and ignorant to honesty. I dare you America, I dare you to show me Im wrong. I dare you to show the elitist that they are not in control. I dare you to take our country back. I dare you to tell our tyrannical government to back the f*** off and stop overreaching their boundaries. I dare you to stand up for the future of our children and our grandchildren. Pull your head out of the sand and pay attention to corruption going on not just in our country but our local communities and states.
Posted on: Wed, 09 Jul 2014 03:19:56 +0000

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