So Ive decided to take advantage of the We the People site that - TopicsExpress


So Ive decided to take advantage of the We the People site that allows petitions to be submitted by the public, and if 100,000+ signatures are reached then the White House will at least review it and possibly give an answer. I couldnt allow this bill to go unopposed, and this is one way I can act against it. While it is addressed primarily against the MS bill, there are other states considering similar bills, so this goes beyond just MS. So, heres where I ask for a favor: is a link to the bill as it has passed the MS senate, take a few moments to read it and if you agree that such a bill should not be allowed please follow the link below and sign the petition. It does require an account be made on the We the People site, but thankfully signing up is quite easy. While Im aware many of my FB friends are Christians and at first review this bill may look like a good idea, but if you read the wording and realize what all this bill would allow then Im relatively sure you will reach the same conclusion I have. This is a thinly veiled attempt to sanction discrimination, and that cuts both ways, and leads to nothing good. While Im certain this bill was intended primarily for those who hold to Christian beliefs, can you truly claim to be Christian and think its OK for a doctor to deny treatment, a business to refuse customers, restaurant to deny food, and so many other things. Even if you support that view, I hope you realize that someone may claim a religious belief against serving Christians and be justified in refusing goods, services or anything else just the same as those who are Christian could deny the same to others. In the past Christians were discriminated against, and often killed for their beliefs, do you really wish to be party to the same sort of discrimination? I hope the answer is a resounding No. Please at least read over the bill thatI linked earlier and the petition link below. Im happy to discuss my point of view on this, if any wish to do so, but if you seek to change my stance on this bill please know that will not happen. In fact, if you do support this bill, then please inform me of such so I may unfriend you, as I do not wish to associated with bigotry and discrimination of the level presented in this bill. Hopefully my friends list does not decline from this, but if it does know I hold no ill will and wish you well.
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 14:44:25 +0000

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