So Ive gotten lots of questions regarding our vanishing twin which - TopicsExpress


So Ive gotten lots of questions regarding our vanishing twin which only a handful knew about until probably right now :) figured I would do one explanation here :) As you can see in this ultrasound we got at 8 weeks (b/c I was measuring large) there are two babies, Baby A facing forward and the top of Baby Bs head. Although they both measured close in age we did not see B move or the flutter of a heartbeat... The next 4 weeks were extremely nerve-racking!! Really what parent doesnt want their baby(ies) to be perfect! Well Baby B is what is considered a vanishing twin... But really hasnt & wont vanish (ie reabsorb) b/c it grew beyond the 8 week mark. At 13 weeks it was still there, in its own little sack and much MUCH smaller than baby A. So what does this mean? At birth we will probably find a small sack with a small babyish blob (maybe half an inch big). Will this cause problems for Baby A? Nope, seeing it happened in the first trimester. Actually has been found to occurring quite frequently. What about bleeding/ miscarriage? Seeings that has not happened thus far, and there are no signs of bleeding in or around baby B its very very slim probability. What if it did? Almost no risk to baby A b/c they are in their own sacks and own placentas. How are you guys doing with this? I was/am actually fine. Didnt know before hand if I would be emotionally a mess, but knowing definitively and knowing god has a plan for everything gave me great peace at that moment, + seeing one much larger and perfect looking baby was wonderful. ❤Thank you for all the positive thoughts, vibes & prayers. And I am totally okay talking about it now if there are any other questions :) Oh and one other question Ive gotten lately Why didnt you tell us earlier? Well quite frankly we just didnt know what to tell people, yay were pregnant with twins... Well maybe.. This was a hard time for us we really really wanted both and it was really really emotional to think one was probably gone & on the other hand really trying to have hope & faith. I wasnt ready for a bombardment of questions about it or how I was feeling... :)
Posted on: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 19:23:16 +0000

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