So Ive now been in California for a year. I feel like Ive grown - TopicsExpress


So Ive now been in California for a year. I feel like Ive grown more as a person in these past 12 months than I have my whole life... When I came here I was just 19, not knowing how long Id be able to make it out here or if Id even make it at all. Here I had my first apartment to myself, and every month Ive wondered how Im going to pay my $900 for rent, but every month you can be damn sure my rent has been paid on time. I also had concerns about my health, and whether or not I would just be healthy enough to stay, but I can proudly say that thanks to a special diet and exercise, my Crohns has been mostly in remission :) But I didnt come out here just to live, I came out here to act. And act I have. My first month here I got to audition for Spiderman the Broadway musical, and being the first to audition in town got me on the news. Ive also done background work on multiple TV shows, from multiple times on The Goldbergs, to Pretty Little Liars, Castle, Bad Teacher, and Silicon Valley. I also helped out with a few scenes in the movie Jersey Boys. During my time acting as my own manager I managed to get myself 1 of 3 SAG vouchers as well, bringing me a step closer to being SAG official. I was also doing well submitting myself for student films and indies too (until I ran out of money, where my focus shifted to...) My job. I originally transferred out here through Bubba Gump Shrimp Co, and was working there solely until I picked up a second job working as a computer tech at Staples, which inspired me to begin repairing cellphones on the side for extra cash. And most recently as you know, Ive acquired the job at the Cheesecake Factory (which is sure to be better and more consistent money than Bubbas was) In my year here Ive learned to never get a roommate off Craigslist, and to be more cautious about ANYONE you invite to your apartment. I now know how to make and manage my money better than I ever did before, and Ive taken on more and more responsibilities as the year went by. Im proud to say that a year ago, I had a beat up car, a frustrating job, and an apartment I couldnt even furnish. But now I stand tall with an incredible new job, a new car I love, and at the end of this month, a new apartment with a friend who truly cares about me and always has my back. I feel that in this time Ive also learned more about who I am as a person than ever before, and Im slowly but surely figuring out exactly what I want out of life. Its never easy living out here, the struggle IS real, but all the amazing people Ive met, and the crazy and fun stories weve made together make it all worth it. My future has never looked so bright, and I cant wait to experience all the crazy ups and downs this roller-coaster called life has in store for me :) #onlyinCali
Posted on: Mon, 14 Jul 2014 01:49:38 +0000

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