So I’ve seen a few posts about people feeling “some kind of - TopicsExpress


So I’ve seen a few posts about people feeling “some kind of way” about Robin Williams death getting more posts than Mike Browns death. Can we not be sad about Robin Williams, and outraged about Mike Brown at the same time? Both are tragic circumstances, but the reality is they werent on the same platform, so its not unlikely that Robin Williams death is gonna get more media attention because hes a public figure and more people know who he is. Why is it necessary to penalize him for this and post mean spirited banners saying: “Bye Dummy, I don’t feel sorry for you” Are you kidding me? How cruel and hateful can you be? That is insane! Ones life was taken, and one took his life. But we loved and adored the Robin Williams we saw when the camera was rolling, we weren’t privy to the one who was fighting the demons off camera. One situation has nothing to do with the other, both are very sad and both had loved ones left behind. The posts about Robin Williams doesn’t negate the value of Mike Browns life. It is horrible what happened to that young man, and as human beings it’s only natural for us to have an emotional response to that tragedy. So perhaps we feel the ”gut punch” of that great injustice, but our expressions of shock and awe may be less visible or maybe less verbal (but not mute) because before this tragedy happened, NONE of us had ever heard of this young man Mike Brown. Both incidents are heart wrenching, horrible, and disturbing. But neither should be pit against the other. It is inappropriate to make it a competition. IMHO. Oh and btw... one thing that im CERTAIN of is this. It does NOT serve the memory of Mike Brown well to riot and tear up your OWN dog-gone community cause you mad. Yeah...... thatll fix em! Tear your own junk up! smh.....
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 17:06:01 +0000

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