So Ken, What happened at Goliad? So Saturday morning before the - TopicsExpress


So Ken, What happened at Goliad? So Saturday morning before the troops came on to the field for the first battle I set up at my “normal” spot across the field beneath the tree that I’ve been setting up behind for the past three years. I was “accompanied” by two other reenactor ladies (This hadn’t happened before, I thought “what’s the harm”) Shortly after that a parks department truck pulls up next to us on the road with lights flashing. Out came a park ranger telling what I thought were just the ladies to clear the area. After the ladies left, the conversation between Ranger Frazier and I went like this: Ranger Frazier: “I’m asking you to leave as well” Me: “What? I’ve been setting up here for the past three years Ranger Frazier: “Are you a reenactor?” Mind you I was in full uniform!!! Me: “Yes I am” showing him the red yarn tied to my wrist “I’m the reenactor’s photographer “ (handing him one of my cards) I’m here to photograph the battle for the reenactors” Ranger Frazier: “Are you engaging?” Me: (Trying to be conversational and humorous) “Some think I am” Ranger Frazier: (Aggravated) “NO ARE YOU ENGAGING IN THE BATTLE?” Me: “No, I’m here to photograph the reenactors and the battle” Ranger Frazier: (He said one of these two things): “Then you aren’t a reenactor. Leave the area!” or “Then you aren’t reenacting, leave the area!” Me: “I don’t think you realize who I am! Ranger Frazier: “I’m only following orders” (Where have we heard that before?) “Don’t force me to make you leave” (Was that a threat? I think so). So I left the field. I will say that I was so angered and hurt by what had happened the whole Mexican line all the way back to Cavalry camp where I was camped heard about it. From there, I went into the presidio and waited for David Vickers to tell him what had happened. He eventually came to me and I conveyed to him what had transpired. He assured me that he would get it sorted out. I missed the second battle because I had to lie down. I was having problems breathing all night Friday night and with the added upset I just had to lay down. I did make it to the third battle and as I was walking up to take my position. Ranger Frazier saw me and told me to stop (he was with other rangers at the time) I told him that David Vickers had spoken to their supervisor and that it was cool. Nope they all pointed at their supervisor, so I asked her about it and her sole reply was “Nope, it’s too dangerous”! That’s when I lost it again. “Look little lady, I’ve been reenacting before you were even a sperm, and YOU are going to tell ME what is safe?!? I returned back to camp. Jim Thompson got into his uniform and said “Come on Ken, lets go back up there.” He positioned me behind the artillery and I did manage to get some good shots from that vantage point. God Bless the Dragoons! As many of you know I’ve been reenacting for the past fourtytwo years. Since I was diagnosed with COPD I’ve been off the field and have taken the role as photographer. In the past two years I have garnered a good reputation as a photographer. I’ve been published twice and have won awards for my reenacting photography. I have NEVER been treated in such a manner before and I will NOT be treated like that in the future! Until all of this is sorted out and I receive a formal apology from both the Presidio and the Texas Parks Department, I shall not be participating in any event happening at that facility. For the past four years I’ve been promoting the “Fannin Massacre” Even after the mess with the fat guy last year I begged the reenactors to come back and this is the gratitude and payment I get?? I will be posting updates to this after I have had contact with both the Presido and the parks department. Stay tuned
Posted on: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 15:51:44 +0000

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