So Lupita Nyongo share her beauty tips and Im here to corroborate - TopicsExpress


So Lupita Nyongo share her beauty tips and Im here to corroborate her story : She actually shared her tip for flawless skin with Racked: I use a lot of natural oils—like avocado oil and Hawaiian kukui oil—and try to drink lots of water ... My Natural Hair Journey inspired me to natrt a natural skin care journey and though may not be flawless according to some, but its as close as its been for 23 years. But for the last 18 months Ive been doing the same and my skin has NEVER BEEN BETTER- no breakouts , vastly improved texture and pores, more even colouring. Ex. Virgin Grapeseed or Oil ( an astringent oil which is great for acneic, combination skin like mine) I have used as a makeup remover with johnson and johnson No More Tears babywash (cheap & effective) .. I used Soil Rosehip Oil as a serum to get rid of acne scarring from a monster breakout. You know, for those dark spots that wont seem to fade.. cheap& super effective, No dark spots accross my forehead and chin any more... and it smells like heaven. I use coconut oil and avocado oil to moisturise hair and skin- great for winter skins dry patches and eczema, and with Argan Oil (untoasted variety that has no smell, but is super pricey and hard to find these days unfortunately) Ive noticed that the dark circles that develop under the eyes when you are really tired are greatly reduced...The toasted argan oil (the one that smells like food, has been heated so the benefits are greatly reduced, and thats what you are paying for, after all. I consider it a waste of $$. All oils I use are extra-virgin/cold-pressed/ organic, and I use them at night to nourish the skin. P.S. Olive oil makes my skin feel a bit weird, it might be better for drier skins, and I get small white spots from it, while Justines Tissue Oil makes me breakout, I think its because of the synthetic ingredients. So not all skins are the same and not all oils do the same work. Do your research, try it... Good luck! Im happy to share more details about my routines with anyone who is interested.
Posted on: Wed, 05 Mar 2014 07:26:23 +0000

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