So...: Miracle #1: Were still teaching Bro Musser. Hes been an - TopicsExpress


So...: Miracle #1: Were still teaching Bro Musser. Hes been an active member (except hes not a member) for 27 years. He is the best commitment keeper ever though. He says its the first time that missionaries have taught him and hes actually kept all the commitments. It is great! He has so much faith and he doesnt even realize it. We committed him to live the word of wisdom (for which he had to make a few changes to do) and hes doing it! He says I dont know why but Im doing it anyway. We were like DOOOOOD! SOOOO MUCH FAITH! hahaha hes an awesome guy. Miracle #2: We found some ligit apartments!!! As a missionary in the MMM (Minnesota Minneapolis Mission) you seek out apartment buildings! If they say no soliciting even better... :) cuz were not solicitors and that sign has probably kept missionaries away for a little while which means the field in there is super white all ready to harvest. Before I explain the ligit apartments Ill explain a few other ones weve been in recently; One lock-out apartment (meaning you cant get it because you need a key to get past the first door), with about 200 rooms, has a member living in it. yey! So we buzz the member, she lets us in and we knock all the doors and meat tons of cool people. Across the highway from that one is another giant complex. Probably around 2000 rooms in it... also a lock-out. So tactic number one to get into a lock-out is to wait by the door till someone comes and act like you belong there and just walk right in... This sometimes works. Tactic number two is that most lock-outs have fancy underground garages under them so you just wait for a car to drive into the garage and walk in behind them. When you do this you hope that the person doesnt see you, get road rage and try to squish you with their car... it usually works but the problem is that you have to wait till a car comes. No matter how you get in, lock-outs are awesome. #1 reason: it gets you out of the -40 degree wind! :D #2 reason: There are a bagillion people all confined to a tiny space with doors every few feet to knock on. So we snuck in to a coupel of these this week. 2 in the same day. The first one we were knocking and we met a guy that didnt seem very happy so he told us to go away before shutting his door. We turned and knocked on the door directly across the hall from the 1st guy. As we did we heard the 1st guy through the wall say hello? yes, this is Bob in apartment 310. There are two clean cut young gentlemen up here.... hahaha, me and Elder Weese looked at each other and I said hmmm, sounds like us... time to go and we hurried out of the apartment before management came to kick us out. Unfortunately we werent fast enough and they caught us as we were getting in our car. so.... well go back there next week :) After that we went to some apartments near by, also lock-outs. So we sneeked in by following a Jimmy-Johns delivery boy :). We knocked one door and an old white lady (its never the racial people that get angry... only old white people...) answered, yelled that we werent supposed to be in here and shut the door. Again me and Elder Weese looked at each other and decided to... not leave cuz theres a bunch of people in there that needed the gospel (also it was -30 degrees outside) but instead we went down a floor and all the way to the other side of the building... I think they had cameras in there :( cuz a minute later an angry management lady came and kicked us out... hahahaha the joys of missionary life. I love it! :) So now the ligit apartments: they are... drum roll please... NOT LOCK-OUTS!!! :D (meaning we can get past the first door easy cuz it doesnt take a key) and... THERE IS NO OFFICE! (meaning no angry management people will come to kick us out :) So we started knocking these this week and found some AWESOME people! One named Andy was off work at 2pm. He told us that it was just chance that we caught him. We told him that it wasnt chance, it was God. He loved the restoration and invited us back. Another couple we met were Andrew and Heather. They are super cool too and invited us back to teach them more. So ya: thats why those are apartments of awesomeness... Also, Morgan Freeman (aka Bro Hopkins) is doing well. He has a crazy pants ex girl friend but hes still cool. Oh man... I almost didnt tell about Bro Strege... I was about to close the email and forget... So: Bro Strege. He walked in to church last week. Told us that he had just had brain surgery and it made him think about life more. He wants to get baptized. Awesome Miracle! We taught him twice this week and hes super cool! That is a perfect example of how the Lord will either lead us to those that are prepared or lead those that are prepared to us. The end. Now that you are all educated on the ways of lock-out apartments I hope you have a great week.,.. Love you all! -Love Elder Wall
Posted on: Sat, 22 Mar 2014 17:48:01 +0000

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