So Mission Muridiyyah is to be for the murids in America as a - TopicsExpress


So Mission Muridiyyah is to be for the murids in America as a networking partner of Trade and Market with other like minded Muslim Communities, Jamaats, and Amirates, in building Touba Communities on the line of Touba City plan above, if not a Touba Village or Town inshaAllah, with Touba, Senegal as an Alternative for hijrah if need be as the situation deteroriates upon Social, Moral, and Economic declines in the Age of Masih ad-Dajjal and Micro-chip implanting by force from the govt, Madinah also being an alternate sanctuary inshaAllah but for the time being as Muslim Americans we have to fulfill our duty and obligation to offer Salvation to this American society for the sake of us and our families, here is Mission Muridiyyah again for you go over and contemplate more thoroughly inshaAllah; What is Missiom Muridiyyah ? The new organization for American Murides would be called Dahira Touba USA. Mission Muridiyyah is based on; 1) Iman, Islam, and Ihsan from the principles of Tazkiyyah/Tasawwuf. 2) Jihad-ul-Nafs, Tarbiyah, Khidma( work for the Muslim Communities in America and Touba, Senegal), and Dawah/Tabligh( Dawah for the non-Muslims to enter into the fold of Islam and Tabligh to the Muslims in America to introduce them to and know more about Shaykh Ahmadu Bamba-Khadimu Rasul(the Servant of the Prophet(SAW) ). (you can aid Quran and Sunnah bro. Luqman as well like you suggested). 3) Our Mission statement is no different from the already existing Murid Organizations in America which are MICA-Murid Islamic Community in America, there main goals are to promote, deliver, and explain the true message Allah(SWT) sent to humanity through His Messenger and Servant Muhammad(SAW) through the teachings and guidance of Shaykh Ahmadu Bamba(RA). MICA is the link the Murid Community throughout the United States by the rope of Unity, brotherhood/sisterhood and helping each other in the path of Islam and in our enterprises MICA is also to be active in helping the needy regardless of race or orientation. To facilitate the promotion of Islam MICA will create centers throughour the United State, where needed. To anticipate the expansion of the New York Chapter, MICA is planning to acquirer a larger space for a Masjid and a school ( of which they have already acquired at 46 Edgecombe Ave. New York, NY 10030), the org. Dahira Touba USA focus will not just be on having a Masjid and school but having a more comprehensive approach which will be later explained. Also the other existing Murid Org. in America is IMCUS- Islamic Murid Community of the United States, whose mission is to bring the teachings of Shaykh Ahmadu Bamba(RH) in a manner that will make it effective to the indigenous population, the goals are to support multi media presentations and translations of the works of Sh. Ahmadu Bamba( this is where you bro. Bakar and other Senegalese Murids can help in the translations for english speaking Murids in America), to establish Dahiras(schools), chapters, and or jumaats, that nourish the spiritual, mental, physical, social and economic well being of the Talibe(student or disciple), and to work with individuals and organizations who support the IMCUS mission. The IMCUS relationship to other Murid Groups is being that we are one with ALL of them. IMCUS is a part of the worldwide Muridiyya based in Touba, Senegal, The Gathering of Eagles (Talibe of Serigne Bassirou), Hizbul Tarbiyyah, MICA and all others. This is likewise for Dahira Touba USA, we placed no distinction or rivalry with these other Murid organization, only that our focus is much more comprehensive, up to date with the Muslim and Murid situation in America as of the 2010 C.E./1431 A.H. but our Core mission is no different from both MICA and IMCUS. Dahira Touba USA has only been Upgraded to meet our current circumstances as Muslim and Murids in America with being more Inclusive to include ALL Muslims in America and Murides of Shaykh Ahmadu Bamba(RA) who are primarily now Senegalese Muslims from Africa and Muslim African-Americans but reaching out further to other ethnic Muslims in America to be more inclusive i.e. to Muslim Latinos/ Hispanics, Muslim European-Americans, Muslim Asians/SouthEast Asians, Muslim Arabs, Muslim Native- Americans/First Nation Peoples etc. Mission Muridiyyah is to get more involved in the daily life and circumstances of Muslims in America and using dawah to the non-Muslims for one goal, aim, agenda, and focus fisabilillah with the teachings and guidance of Shaykh Ahmadu Bamba(RA) as Khadimu Rasul(Servant of the Prophet(SAW)) to the Ummah of Muhammad 1st and to ALL of Humanity in these turbulent times of Fitnah Kabir. Shaykh Bamba(RH) is... the Key to the Garden of Bliss and to prepare us to be the People of Imam al-Mahdi and Isa ibn Maryum(AS), whose time has FULLY come ! 4) The main focus of Mission Muridiyyah, of which was mention early of being more Comprehensive than the MICA and IMCUS is the use of Jihad-ul-Nafs( the Struggle of the inner-most self or ego) that the Master of Jihad-ul-Nafs- Shaykh Bamba(RA) used to ultimately defeat the French and became Khadimu Rasul for our times today, it is a tool used to defeat OUR egos 1st so that we can hopefully obtain the stations of going from Muslim to Mumin to Muhsin inshaAllah in gaining nearness to Allah(SWT) and receive the Barakah and Nasr(Victory) that Allah(SWT) gave to Shaykh Bamba(RA) using Tazkiyyah/ Tasawwuf that brings you to the level with Himma(Islamic Zeal) that the Sahabah(RA) had at the time and in the presence of Rasulullah(SAW) and also using the Futuwwah(Islamic Chivalry) of Hadhrat Ali(RA) also a Master of Jihad-ul-Nafs from the Sunna of the Prophet(SAW), used the Futuwwah that had defeated ALL the enemies of Islam as the preeminent youth for Muslim Youth for all time ! This tool of Jihad-ul-Nafs will give us inshaAllah Ikhlas(sincerity) in our work fisabillah of Mission Muridiyyah, to development sincere Leadership, Organization, and Unity through the teachings, writings, guidance with Dhikrullahu Akbar and Qasidas of Shaykh Ahmadu Bamba and examples of the other great Shaykhs and Mujaddid of Islamic history to attain to inshaAllah. Which in our case is the establishing of Touba Communites throughout America, using and spreading the word through Dawah/Tabligh about Shaykh Ahmadu Bamba(RH) and his teachings and guidance with Serigne Touba, Senegal as the supreme example of creating a Muslim Community of the Amal-ul-Madinah that Imam Malik(RA) said that we will have to go back to for the Revival of Islam in the Future, all of this is the reason why Shaykh Ahmadu Bamba(RA) was given the title Khadimu Rasul(the Servant of the Messenger of Allah(SAW)) even over the title of Qutb az-Zaman( the Spiritual Pole of the Ages) and this is the reason why this organizaiton is to be called Dahira Touba USA because of the Blessed city of Touba and the Imam of Touba Shaykh Bamba(RA), and to fulfill his prediction that his Murid Sadiqqun will not speak wolof and will be from another land, SubhanAllah wa bihamdihi ! 5) These Touba Communities inshaAllah are to be in Network with other Muslim communities who may or may not be Murides through trade, education, business, exchange of positive and productive ideas etc. for the betterment and benefit of all Muslims in America along with dawah to non-Muslims as an example of Truly Living Islam. 6) The Touba Communities will welcome all Muslims/Tariqahs and may not even be called Touba Communities as long as they are based on the Amal-ul-Madinah guidelines of being a Muslim Community that may or may not be under the leadership of a Murid and its organization, as long as they are in conjunction, collaboration, cooperation, cooridination and confederation with other Muslim orgs and Jamaats with the same goal in mind, agenda, and like minded thinking for the advancement of Islam and Muslims in America. ( other potential like minded orgs could be Allahu Alim, Amirate-America of Amir Abdallah Yasin, Murabitun, Zaytuna Institute, Jamaat Uthman dan Fodio, MANA and others etc. Ya ahelale barri, Ya ahelale baheri, oujou li bari, baheri sahaya O! Dwellers of the continent, O! Dwellers across the oceans, Get ready for the call, For the call of munificence. Ch. Ahmadou Bamba, Khadimou Rassoul Sheikh Ahmadou Bamba recognized but one authority and but one truth, that of his Lord. He adhered strictly to this authority and truth. His reference in thought and in act was the Prophet Sayidinna Mohammad (PBUH) and the model was based on service rendered to the whole of humanity. This is in accordance with the Lords saying that Mohammad (PBUH) has been sent as Mercy for the whole of Humanity This is part of a email I sent to a fellow murid about establishing Muslms communities and the other is from a chat I had about a hadith that I read over 25 yrs. ago and he confirmed it for me about a story about Shaykh Bamba. Tell me what you think after reading this, inshaAllah. Al-Mansur SHAIKH SIAM ~ I THINK YOU ARE BRILLIANT BEAUTIFUL FULL OF LOVE AND DEAD ON THE DIME IN ATTITUDE THAT IS PLEASING TO GOD AND OUR MASTER BAMBA! BUT THERE WILL BE NO! SUCCESS FOR ANY OF THEM THAT REJECT THE LEADERSHIP AND SUPPORT OF THE ONLY MBACKE IN THIS WORLD POSSESSING THE HOLY GIRGA MANTLE OF SERIGNE TOUBA ON THIS PLANET! YOU HAVE NO IDEA MY PRECIOUS BROTHER WHAT I HAVE GONE THROUGH WITH MANY OF THEIR JEALOUS BEHINDS! SAINT TOUBA THE PROPHET MUHAMMAD (RAA, SAWS) AND ALL THE SAINTS OF HEAVEN AND EARTH ARE WITH THE HOLY MANTLE KIRGA OF SERIGNE TOUBA NOW WRAPPED AROUND HIS FIRST AMERICAN BORN MBACKE, SHAIKH (CHEIKH) IBRAHIM AL`JAHIZZ (SARR) MBACKE, ALSO KNOWN AS SIAM, THE MYSTIC POETS BLACK AMERICAN NECK! UNTIL THEY SIYERE AND GIVE HIM THE SAME IF NOT MORE SUPPORT AND RESPECT!THAT THEY ARE GIVING OTHERS WHO DO NOT POSSESS HIS HOLY MANTLE IN THE WORLD! THERE MUST BECOME AN AMERICAN COMPOUND IN HOLY TOUBA CENTERED AROUND THIS AMERICAN MBACKE WITH THE HOLY MANTLE OF SERIGNE TOUBA ADDED TO THIS THAT YOU HAVE GRACED! THAT IS WHEN ALL OTHER SHALL BE BLESSED BY GOD AND OUR MASTER! THIS IS MY ANSWER BRON FROM MY MYSTIC HEART AND NOT MY SELF~AGGRANDISING EGO FOR I NO LONGER EXIST! FOR SIAM, ONLY THE HOLY MANTLE OF SERIGNE TOUBA EXIST! THE PRESENT AND FUTURE VISION OF SERIGNE TOUBA IS NOW WITH AND UPON THIS MBACKES NECK! AND NO ONE ELSES AMONG THEM! THANK YOU MY PRINCE FOR EXCELLENT WRITTEN ESSAY! AS SALAM ALAYK....YOUR SACRED BROTHER, THE HOLY MANTLE OF SERIGNE TOUBA SIAM
Posted on: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 16:25:19 +0000

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