So NOW lets Talk About MONEY MEN!!! Whats is our Findings of REAL - TopicsExpress


So NOW lets Talk About MONEY MEN!!! Whats is our Findings of REAL MONEY MEN???? This is a Charles lipengas STUDY ON MEN: GOD EXPECTATIONS VS. SOCIETY’S EXPECTATIONS. QUOTE OF THE DAY: “I don’t drink but I even know that you cannot buy fine wine on a price of beer.” INTRODUCTION: A lot of men can afford beer; it’s common and cheap, unlike fine wine. A single bottle of fine classic wine can cost you 5+ crates of beer put together. Oh I pray you get this. Let me first say, these are metaphors that help me to elaborate descriptions of certain qualities/ characters. Alright, that being said, all men want to marry a fine woman/ precious treasure, sadly most of them can only afford the cheap ones. If you have observed, all the precious stones are hidden in the layers of the mountains, only cheap rocks/ stones are found everywhere. If you want a diamond/ gold you have to be ready for some sacrifice. You have to dig deeper with patience. I know some have gotten it already. So let’s begin. 1. DO NOT LET MONEY DEFINE YOU. Money is a good slave but a ruthless master. Sad to see most men overtaken by the illusion of money, they feel like they are nothing when they don’t have any money in their pockets. A lot of men are obsessed with material things e.g. cars, to the point where they buy a car they can’t afford even to maintain. Then they end up borrowing from everywhere. Hey wake up, life is not defined by the kind of car you drive, or the house you live in. let your life be defined by the lives you touch, by the footprints you leave for others to follow. If you are enriching yourself, piling up money for the sake of a woman, then she will leave you for someone else with a bigger pile. Just remember, wealth can attract money-grubbing gold diggers. Studies have shown that, when a woman considers you for a long- term relationship, owning the sports car hold no advantage relative to owning an economy car, So stop abusing yourself borrowing money to live up to someone’s standard. 2. STOP TALKING/ DRESSING LIKE A GANGSTER. Stop idolizing Scarface/ The GodFather and people who are murderers. Don’t you know Al Pacino is an actor who has a proper family in real life? Nowadays if you are above 16 and you don’t know how to curse/ swear/ utter profanities then you are not a man... Hahaha, I have one word for you #Foolishness. Why can’t we stop trying to be like the fake gangsters we see on MTV, don’t you know they are trying to put up a show for them to sell records? Didn’t you know they borrow those cars and cash for the sake of the video shoot? Yet we get so entangled with celebrity life. I feel sad to hear some young men trying to have this American accent so that they should sound like their favorite rapper. Hahah, please give it up, live your life. 3. STOP PRAISING STUPIDITY. Its common in men’s world to praise foolishness, since there is lot of peer pressure and not much of leadership development. A lot of young men started smoking/ drinking and they continue doing so just to fit in, to keep the company they have. It’s really sad how we proudly convince ourselves that we must drink and party every day, shouting YOLO... [YOU ONLY LIVE ONCE]… Well, thank God I am already dead, for me life began when I received Christ. Now YOLO should not give you the right to mess up your life. Silly how people think life ends on the death bed. Going to prison is not being cool at all, unless you are going to minister the Good news of course. Stop praising stupidity; being a man is not being a stubborn person, convincing yourself that you are standing for what you believe in. Stand for what you believe in if only what you believe in is the right thing to do. Learn to humble yourself to learn from others, and then you will know. Men ought to be about responsibility, this leads me to my next point 4. WE NEED TO MAN UP. Its time to separate boys from the men; we really have to grow up, funny thing is, maturity has nothing to do with age. You see some older men still talking and doing the same stupid things we did back in school, well my advice, grow up and move on. Running from responsibilities just makes you an infant, because babies are not to be trusted with any task, they are not capable of handling anything by themselves. Instead of you being the protection for our sisters, now the sisters need protection from you. Hah, how can one enjoy to be feared without being respected? Using our strengths on women just shows how weak we are, we become like animals. Stop objectifying women, they are not some property. Sad how so many women are raising up children by themselves, and then you ask, “where are all the daddies?” Whether you are married or not, this should not be your portion. God placed fatherly roles distinctively different from that of a mother, so when you run away, you create an imbalance not just for the home, but for the children. Let us all #ManUp. 5. LET YOUR LIGHT SO SHINE They say “GET YOU SHINE ON”, well I don’t know about getting your shine, I know that I am the light that shines for other men. Forget about chasing after worldly things to shine, you are the light of the world, the light is inside you. So let your light so shine, you don’t have to go and get it using cars/shoes/ phones… etc You are to lead the way, as a husband and father. The word father is also defined as “Prototype/ The Establisher.” Now you know why we call our God “father”, not referring to the male biological parent, but father meaning the one who establishes someone/ something. Father also means a prototype; meaning others ought to take after you. I believe that is true shine, where you get to lead the way others should go. I don’t have biological children yet, but I do have a lot of children, and I am responsible over them as a father [establisher]. MY CONCLUSION I was listening to Arthur’s song entitled “Who is the man?” and it has some interesting questions; Is it the one who smokes more than others? Is it the one who drinks beer more than others? Is the one who has more than one girlfriend? Is it the one who beats up his wife? Is the one who cheats on his wife? Is the one who screws around with his job? Messing up with the company’s property? The society as misled a lot of people…Is this what matters most, how is that even beneficial? If you are like this, then you are not a man. To some men age is just but a number, still immature. Some are 30 but still think like a boy and even dress like one, still running around like a chicken with no head, always chasing after girls, searching for a new drinking place, from party to party. Proudly announcing to their friends of the hangover they had over the weekend… Hahah, if this is a definition of a man, then I guess I didn’t get the memo. Life will never make sense unless you decide to make a change. A real man understands that he is nothing without the great I AM. Let’s all respond to the call God has individually given us. Let’s lead by example. I look at men like Nick Vujicic [the evangelist/ motivational speaker/ author] and I say, Wow as much as some limbs are missing he is more of a man than a lot others out there. Let me stop there for now, I hope it has been insightful. ALL THE BEST.
Posted on: Wed, 05 Mar 2014 14:47:46 +0000

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