So Nov 19 is the 11 year anniversary of a FUUUUCKED up day... - TopicsExpress


So Nov 19 is the 11 year anniversary of a FUUUUCKED up day... dumbest shit i ever did, but the way i was wildin out, it might have been for the best cause on some real shit, most likely i woulda been killed out there cause of the shit i was doing... lost the closest family a person could have (rip mami, my blood father, papa, tio eddie) my closest friends getting killed (rip my niggas crack, pito, ox) shit was a real tough time and it wasnt about the time i was doing cause i handled that like a champ but it was the ppl i lost in the process... 11 years ago damn i was only 20 years old n had to do a 10 year bid... proud to say i kept my mind right, never joined a gang, got my ged, and occupied my time to the point where i didnt stress myself out thinking of missing whats supposed to b the best years of my life... well the only thing i stressed about was my son, but hey thats understandable... i dont know what im trying to say on this post, but its just something im thinking about right now... and p.s., all the ppl i met this past year on fb, im happy to have met yall and some of yall turned out to b real good personal friends ( yall know who yall are )... gn friends n fam...
Posted on: Tue, 19 Nov 2013 05:11:58 +0000

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