So Obama will break in the Latino Grammy Awards to announce his - TopicsExpress


So Obama will break in the Latino Grammy Awards to announce his plan to flood our country with Illegal Immigrants.. Ironic, dont you think? Coincidence? I think not.. They will show clips of the applause from the audience, no doubt... Obama needs an audience who agrees with him and there are so few left.. Look, I have nothing against Latinos or any immigrant that came to this country legally!! After all, my grandpop migrated here as well.. I do know many Latino Immigrants who are appalled that these people get a free ride in while they had to work hard just like everyone else in this country... This influx is not about people wanting to make a better life for themselves and become a success.. This influx is about 3 hots and a cot. Its about being dependent on a Socialist Government, Section 8 housing and high rise government housing in America are palaces compared to where they came from.. They will be okay with feeding off of the taxpayers for the rest of their lives without having to acquire any kind of skill. See, that is the difference between legal migrants and illegal immigrants. If you follow the legal steps, you become a contributing member to society by gaining skills, a college education and a job. You are required to learn the language as well.I hate to say it but any city that these millions of people wind up in will end up like Detroit...
Posted on: Fri, 21 Nov 2014 00:45:16 +0000

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