So, One year ago today, I made a decision that would forever - TopicsExpress


So, One year ago today, I made a decision that would forever change my path in life. I had NO idea that a small investment of $34.95 to purchase products at wholesale, that I wrongly assumed, were just for weight loss. And while I HAVE lost weight with Plexus, the health benefits that I have reaped from that investment are priceless. Most if not all of my friends know that I have Multiple Sclerosis. Most of them dont know that I rarely, pre-Plexus complained about any of my symptoms...its just not my style. My family knew of course...but I have always been good at just pushing through things...even if I paid a price to do so. So outwardly people STILL saw a happy, positive, pretty active person....but those were the times I was able to. My MS has been stable since my CCSVI procedure in 2010, BUT I still had fatigue...I still didnt sleep great...I still needed to take naps daily to get through all the outward things that I did. I set my alarm everyday so that I would not sleep through picking Grace up from school. forward a year...not only do I no longer need naps...I sleep amazing! I wake up feeling rested, wake up ready to tackle whatever the day has in store...I can go and go...ALL DAY LONG....sometimes much later than my husband! I have great longer off two prescription meds...I never took MANY meds for my MS as I truly have never liked pharma...unless absolutely necessary...but my BP meds and my antidepressants WERE necessary...not any more :-) I already ate healthy but still snacked mindlessly in the evenings...dont need to do THAT anymore either! So on top of the health benefits that Ive experienced...I also now make more money that I EVER made working full-time as a nurse and its full-time income for the MOST fun and fulfilling job Ive ever had...and I maybe work 15hrs a week...some days more...some days less depending on what Im doing. Add to it the trips and very soon a paid for by the company Plexus Lexus! AMAZING! And one of the BEST benefits that I truly didnt even see coming was making some absolutely incredible friends. Friends that I just cant imagine doing life without! I know Im IS late after all ;-) But I need people to understand that I became a nurse because I loved helping people...MS took away my ability to work in the hospital...and there was a big part of me that missed giving something to those in need. I didnt KNOW that Plexus was giving me that...but it is SO rewarding to be able to now help my friends and family get THEIR health back as well. I have MANY MS friends on my team and as customers and I LOVE that God has led me to a place that I can give something back to so many people...that I have a job that helps out my family but doesnt take time away from them...that I have my health and hope for the future back! People may think thats a lot to get just from working for Plexus Worldwide...but guess what, that is exactly what you get...HOPE...for SO many people! I see it daily...I talk to people daily...whos lives have changed for the better. I could probably go on....but this is long enough! I LOVE what I do...I LOVE my life, I LOVE my friends...I LOVE Plexus. I LOVE that I am able to help people find Hope again. I praise my Heavenly Father daily for leading me to and giving me this gift. I know without HIM none of this would be possible. I am SO excited to see where the next year with Plexus is going to take me. Helping more people and making more friends. Cant wait!
Posted on: Tue, 24 Jun 2014 03:38:53 +0000

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