So, Organic IS better! But you already knew that, right? Alan - TopicsExpress


So, Organic IS better! But you already knew that, right? Alan Harman courtesy of Kim Flottum of CATCH THE BUZZ A new international study claims organic foods and crops have a suite of advantages over their conventional counterparts, including more antioxidants and fewer, less frequent pesticide residues. The study, led by scientists at Newcastle University in the United Kingdom, looked at an unprecedented 343 peer-reviewed publications comparing the nutritional quality and safety of organic and conventional plant-based foods, including fruits, vegetables, and grains. Most of the publications covered in the study looked at crops grown in the same area, on similar soils. This approach reduces other possible sources of variation in nutritional and safety parameters. In general, the team found organic crops have several nutritional benefits that stem from the way the crops are produced. A plant on a conventionally managed field will typically have access to high levels of synthetic nitrogen, and will marshal the extra resources into producing sugars and starches. As a result, the harvested portion of the plant will often contain lower concentrations of other nutrients, including health-promoting antioxidants. Without the synthetic chemical pesticides applied on conventional crops, organic plants also tend to produce more phenols and polyphenols to defend against pest attacks and related injuries. In people, phenols and polyphenols can help prevent diseases triggered or promoted by oxidative-damage like coronary heart disease, stroke and certain cancers. Overall, organic crops had 18% to 69% higher concentrations of antioxidant compounds. The team concludes that consumers who switch to organic fruit, vegetables, and cereals would get 20% to 40% more antioxidants. Thats the equivalent of about two extra portions of fruit and vegetables a day, with no increase in caloric intake. The researchers also found pesticide residues were three to four times more likely in conventional foods than organic ones, as organic farmers are not allowed to apply toxic, synthetic pesticides. While crops harvested from organically managed fields sometimes contain pesticide residues, the levels are usually 10-fold to 100-fold lower in organic food, compared to the corresponding, conventionally grown food. In a surprising finding, the team concluded that conventional crops had roughly twice as much cadmium, a toxic heavy metal contaminant, as organic crops. The leading explanation is that certain fertilizers approved for use only on conventional farms somehow make cadmium more available to plant roots. A doubling of cadmium from food could push some individuals over safe daily intake levels. “This study is telling a powerful story of how organic plant-based foods are nutritionally superior and deliver bona fide health benefits,” says Charles Benbrook, a Washington State University researcher and the lone American co-author of the paper, published in the British Journal of Nutrition. This message brought to you by Bee Culture, The Magazine Of American Beekeeping, published by the A.I. Root Company. Find us at -Twitter. Facebook. Bee Culture’s Blog. Free practical insights, helpful information, and fun from Award Winning Kelley Beess monthly newsletter. Need more bees? Need better bees? Feed Global Patties for better bee health, production, wintering and survival. Hungry hives will often eat a patty a week -- even when pollen is available in the field. Try Global Patties and see the difference. Learn More. Small Hive Beetle traps and control products, World’s largest selection, all chemical free.beetlejail Quality Top Bar Hives by Gold Star Honeybees - good for you, good for your bees, good for the planet. Check us out at goldstarhoneybees Subscribe to Malcolm Sanford’s Apis Newsletter right here for a comprehensive listing of beekeeping events around the country and around the globe,check out Bee Culture’s Global Beekeeping Calendar In your hives and off your mind. Rotate with Apistan® to help manage mite resistance. Learn more atcentralapiary.
Posted on: Thu, 17 Jul 2014 20:11:21 +0000

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