So Patti Johnson has tagged me in this challenge to write 20 - TopicsExpress


So Patti Johnson has tagged me in this challenge to write 20 things about myself and then tag 20 people. This clearly proves that she hates me and 20 other people in my life. (Kidding. Sorta.) Anyway, Im not going to tag anyone, but feel free to do this! (Its actually kinda fun if youre as bored as I was.) All right, here we go... 1.) Im currently a sophomore at Catawba College. Go Indians! 2.) I may or may not be politically correct, but as someone who spends a lot of time in the English department, I value proper terminology. So I should have said, Go Native Americans! My apologies. 3.) As you can tell, I thoroughly enjoy some of the corniest and driest of jokes. Its one of my fatal flaws. 4.) As I mentioned before, I am an English person. Which means that I am going to read over this post about ten times before I actually post it. 5.) I tend to be highly unlucky, so Im still going to have about three typos when Im finally done with this. 6.) Also, regarding number 4, Im not *actually* English. I mean, nobody thought that, but I felt the need to put it because Im running out of clever things to say and Im not even halfway done. 7.) Despite the fact that Im not English, I like to think that I have a pretty good British accent. (Then again, I have a feeling that the entire UK would disagree. Oh, well. We cant all be Emma Watson, can we?) 8.) Speaking of which, she was my #wcw way before it was cool. 9.) Now that I think about it, I *am* English! Im, like, 3% British. And about 1% Jewish. And a hodgepodge of a whole bunch of different ethnicities. But Im 91% African. Yes, I know what youre thinking...I didnt know I had that much black in me either. 10.) If youre wondering how I got these numbers, I did the AncestryDNA test. It was my 18th birthday present. 11.) My birthday is on March 18th. Im a Pisces. 12.) Speaking of fish, Im a pescatarian. Since 8th grade. And I get great pleasure in telling meat-lovers that Ive forgotten what bacon and steak taste like. 13.) Speaking of 13, Im a triskaidekaphile. I may or may not have made that word up. Its sounds rather awesome, though, so Im going to pretend like its a word whether it is or not. (Yes, I totally switched topics. Im a weak, weak man.) 14.) The book which I consider to be my baby has a constantly recurring theme of the number 13. Readers will either love it or theyll get sick of it. I like to pretend that the latter option isnt possible. 15.) Im actually working on three books right now: my baby, a sci-fi dystopian book, and a book on religion. 16.) I like to talk about religion and philosophy. A lot. Like, Ive kept my family and friends up until, like, 2 in the morning talking about religion and philosophy. 17.) I ask myself everyday why the people I love put up with me. My biggest, most terrifying fear is that the people I love will leave me. But day after day, they show me that they stand by me and its truly incredible to me and Im so thankful for them. 18.) Seriously, though, if you ever want to talk philosophy or religion, hit me up. Any religion, any philosophy, Im game. (Honestly, I dont know why Im not pursuing a RELP minor. Actually, I know exactly why. Its called time, or rather a lack thereof.) 19.) If you cant tell, Im highly opinionated. However, I like to think to think that Im open-minded when talking to open-minded people. 20.) I believe that open, honest communication between people who see the world differently is the key to changing this world for the better and I want to dedicate my life to being part of this conversation. So...I have a feeling that I put *way* too much into this. Anyway, if you read through this whole thing, youre officially amazing. I mean, you may have been amazing before, but its official now.
Posted on: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 03:54:38 +0000

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