So, Principal photography for THE MESSAGE came to an end - TopicsExpress


So, Principal photography for THE MESSAGE came to an end yesterday! What an entirely awesome experience and an extremely exhausting one. There are far too many people to thank on this forum and I will send out letters to all those involved individually. However, I would like to thank the Cast for bringing it every day – A writer lives to see his characters and their words come to life on screen and you guys certainitly didn’t disappoint in this regard! Special performances from all of you, even when you had to wait around for your scene! To my incredible crew! Many of you I had never had the opportunity to work with before but your commitment to my grandiose ideal was humbling to say the least! A better crew I could have never hoped for, sincerely! To my students: I am hard on you for a reason: So that you can handle and carry yourselves as professional s in the real world and you all stepped up to the challenge of this adventure – sure there were some mistakes but you all stepped up and helped me out tremendously! I want to single out two individuals in this small note of thanks: Firstly, to Elena Ioulianou my producing partner – I am very proud of you! Phase 2 of 4 is almost completion and you rose to the challenge. There are always going to be hiccups when making a movie and you rode these problems very well, even when it appeared that a solution was not to be found anywhere. You have a very bright future ahead of you young lady! Don’t ever stop believing that impossible is nothing! Secondly: To my creative partner in crime: James Adey – What a legend! Thanks for coming onboard and shooting such an amazing film for me! It is rare in this industry when creative’s can click so quickly and completely – When after a day you are communicating without saying anything, that’s something special! I look forward to shooting more films in the future with you! We have something very special in our hands! Finally to all our supporters, fans, contributors and suppliers: I’m not sure how much you understand what you guys mean to me. Willing something like THE MESSAGE into existence takes a lot of faith, courage and trust and you have all displayed that in spades! To Tim from Hire Arms: You are one hard Motherf*cker! Thanks for absolutely everything and I look forward to blowing tons of shit up with you in the future! To James and Mervyn from PANALUX AND PANAVISION: Your generosity knows no bounds! Huge thank you to both of you – Thank god for you guys saying yes to multiple cameras! I am tired and my entire body is sore. I broke three toes on day 2 of the shoot but had to push the pain and the pain in my entire back out of my head for the duration of the shoot – it’s amazing how powerful the mind can be but this morning it all flooded back in force. I’m holed up in bed as I write this but despite the physical and mental exhaustion and the physical pain, I have an enormous smile on my face! What a cats, what a crew, what an amazing bunch of people to go on an adventure with! Finally: We have always said that we wanted to show the world and locals that we can compete with the quality of television that the Americans, Canadians and Brits put on our screens… Let me tell you something, a little secret if you will, we have achieved that goal! I challenge you to ask anyone involved, anyone that came and visited us on set; they will all tell you two simple things: THIS IS THE MESSAGE & the threat is real baby! Eternal Gratitude! David Golden
Posted on: Wed, 26 Jun 2013 12:00:41 +0000

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