So, Republicans, now that you pretty much own us and the U.S. - TopicsExpress


So, Republicans, now that you pretty much own us and the U.S. Whatcha gonna do? Some of the things you campaigned on, like securing the border? Really? From what? With what money? Why? You are all about lowing taxes, how you gonna pay for that? Defund Obamacare, keeping those who need healthcare from getting it...again? Privatize schools? Dismantle the education system? Keep us from educating our young, as you see it, YOUR tax dollars? What so you can give it to the already filthy rich? Jobs? Seems to me the Democrats aka Obama have been adding jobs like theres no tomorrow, and frankly, today, I feel like there isnt, but thats another subject. You gonna add some more hurdles for us Democrats (old and poor) to jump through, so they cant vote in 2016? Yeah, thats what I thought. You gonna keep snooping into mine and all the other womens va-ja-jas? Gonna keep them women barefoot and preggers are ya? Yeah, thats what I thought. You gonna let big corp pollute the air, water and our lives? Yeah..I knew you would! You gonna give more tax breaks for the rich who already own more than anyone should ever be allowed? Yeah, I knew you would! You gonna impeach OBAMA? Yeah, already penning that one I bet, as we speak! You gonna yank the rug out from under those that are already living like no one should EVER be allowed to live. Yeah, I knew you would! Yes, Republicans, you think because our side sat on their lazy asses thinking it didnt matter that they didnt vote, you are some sort of GOD. Naw, baby, you aint all that and a slice of bread. Nothing has changed, cept you made those of us who despise you and your GODLY laws and holier than thou attitudes just that much more determined, and pissed off, to keep you from running our lives, ruining our lives and keeping us under your thumbs. We are in it for the long haul. Your voter ID laws, your scare tactics worked this time, but you will show your butt, you will expose your extremists, they will come back out of the woodwork and WE will see to it you are ousted! It took one or two days for us to lick our wounds and to come back with more momentum than you could EVER imagine! You think you won. Yeah baby, you won the battle, but honey, you know it, I know it, and the cockroaches on the wall know it, we are going to win the WAR!
Posted on: Sat, 08 Nov 2014 01:05:54 +0000

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