So Robert and I both joined our church in a 21 day fast... We - TopicsExpress


So Robert and I both joined our church in a 21 day fast... We chose a Daniel Fast... Fruits, veggies, whole grains... In the last few days I did add some cheese mainly because Robert needed more protein.. Within a week after all the withdrawals we felt 150% better, his sugars have steadily stayed at 110-120 down from almost 400 and I have dropped some much needed weight, have absolutely no inflammation or arthritic pain so no meds for that at all in over 2 weeks, and I have had to take no stomach medication for acid reflux in over 2 weeks... We are amazed at how healing the right foods are for our bodies... We have been reading alot and have watched several documentaries... GMO-OMG, Food Inc, and Vegucated are eye-opening... We will be adopting a whole food , more plant based diet as a lifestyle.... By not eating out 2-3 times a week or buying processed foods it is more affordable to shop locally and buy organic meat..and the way I love to cook I have come up with some amazing new recipes.I actually may grow a garden again and and Robert wants to raise a calf for our own grass-fed beef...So wish us luck :)
Posted on: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 13:20:35 +0000

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