So SCOTLAND and Independence ...Break away from the union.. Yes or - TopicsExpress


So SCOTLAND and Independence ...Break away from the union.. Yes or No ?? Ive recently been speaking to Scots and it would seem the vast majority, and those with common sense are both appalled and petrified of a YES vote !! Only the younger generations with no sense of the ramifications and with William Wallace on their minds , and the loony hard liners with a 400yr old grudge are fuelling the fires !! Those in the know realise that over 2 MILLION jobs in Scotland are supported by the Civil Service and NHS alone ... Thats without Royal Mail and all the other services we provide !! Personally Id tell em to go fook themselves and give em independence .. Erect borders and passport controls and make them apply for visas.. On top oh that leave them bereft of the pound Stirling leaving them to trade chickens for a loaf of bread !! They should look to the likes of India etc that jumped from under the British wing .. Theyre still using the same railway engines.. Living in total squalor where the old houses and sewers WE built have collapsed and theyve neither the skills nor funds to re-build. No education system or hospitals worth mentioning !! Its akin to Cuba severing ties with America in 1962.. They now live in a time capsule .. Dilapidated hospitals .. Schools .. And living on ration books !! Castro thought he was being a hero , but never thought of the ramifications to the future generations that now suffer to feed his ego !! And thats what this ALEX SALMON is .. Nothing more than a PRICK thats wants nothing but his name in the history books .. And be damned with the consequences to future Scots !!
Posted on: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 22:00:17 +0000

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