to mind..we call them Eyelids...closing on another - TopicsExpress

   to mind..we call them Eyelids...closing on another moment, come across many during the course of the day...requesting can you spare some change..I am hungry, homeless, this or that and I myself at times thought I was hungry for this or that...a strange phenomenon to witness...for I now am aware that nothing satiates..fullfills but the word of God..the alive pulsating still inner voice...there are some that live in million dollar homes and can eat the finest cuts of meats and various delicacies that taste good to the palate...and still return again hungry!!! I tell you the word of God is the only thing that fullfills..I thought I was hungry..and heard something within that made me push back from the table and dance like a madman!!! The tenacity to ask for something in the outer lessens its hold as I realize and take thought off that if I can get something to eat, or the latest car or the finest house, or get layed, that all these needs if needed come as a by product of learning to keep the mind stayed on God as suggested...and there is more left over to circle the entire universe...and billions will be fullfilled!! Starvation,poverty,lack of this or that is all an illusion...I looked for poverty and all the fore mentioned and came up empty handed and rejoicing for it is nothing but an illusion in the blindness of the mind!!! The mind as such puts it there and then experiences it...its laughable...We are here to see as God sees...plain and simple..being still and gently lowering the shades...and allowing intelligence to reveal the reality to roll out at your feet...the truth is revealed...we are children of Royal ....fooled into paupership,penury and need...Lets wake up together and approach the real KINGDOM IN GRATEFULNESS!THANKFULNESS!!!!!! LOVE TO ALL AND TO ALL A REALLY REALLY GOOD NIGHT!! SEE YA IN THE AM?
Posted on: Sun, 11 Jan 2015 04:04:04 +0000

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