So, Silver Moon on YouTube just called me a whimp for having - TopicsExpress


So, Silver Moon on YouTube just called me a whimp for having toilet paper in my bugout bag. Hmm....interesting. He also pointed out that Im whimpy for having food in my bugout bag because the human body can last 3 weeks without food. So, heres my response: Silver Moon, sorry YouTube isnt letting me hit reply . I would say thanks for the feedback, though its ignorant and not well thought out. Youre absolutely right, the human body can last 3 weeks, sometimes even longer without food! But, why would you do that if you dont have to? As far as the toilet paper, well I guess it makes sense a shit talker is anti-toilet paper ;) see what I did there. So lets make something clear, Im not trying to be Mr. Bear Gryls, let me teach you to drink your pee, survive in the woods until youre about to die guy on YouTube, theres too many of those. For me, survival is about being prepared and living as close to a normal life as you can. You see, real survival is a huge part physical and huge part mental. The mind is a power thing (its actually what helps us keep going past that 3 week no food mark). So, if youre telling me you live your every day life eating 1 meal every three weeks and shitting in your toilet then whiping with your hand, thats all you :) but thats not practical survival. If being a whimp means Im comfortable in survival...well, have fun with starvation and swampass https://youtube/watch?v=4ixMfllb-NE&google_comment_id=z13rynjp5mnrvvu1v23tizarhzawt3uew&google_view_type#gpluscomments _________ Clearly he must not have known that the US Army used toilet paper in Desert Storm to help camouflage tanks (true story)
Posted on: Wed, 14 Jan 2015 02:59:57 +0000

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