So. Stevie Wonder. Where do I even begin? If you dont already know - TopicsExpress


So. Stevie Wonder. Where do I even begin? If you dont already know of my deep admiration for the man, just know that he is my favorite. Period. Seeing him in concert was the closest thing to a religious experience I have ever had. It was incredible. A revelation. Everything I know about loving music I learned from loving his. The overwhelming joy he expresses in his craft is something I feel Ive touched on rare occasion, and was floored to witness in real life. And by floored I mean, cry like a little baby. The opening notes of Loves In Need Of Love Today just killed me. Village Ghetto Land and If Its Magic were especially moving in light of the recent turmoil seemingly surrounding us. At one point Stevie promised to play a song if the crowd could identify it based on 2 notes, and sing the rest of the melody. The tune to My Cherie Amour was coming out of my mouth before I had the time to register what was happening, and I was immediately reminded of singing the song in front of my mirror, hairbrush microphone and all. As was a major highlight for me. Its been an emotional year, for me, for many of my friends, the whole country it seems, and hearing that song was like a balm. A momentary cleansing of the soul. Even though the feeling has faded, and the real world has intruded back into the forefront of my mind Ill carry the memory of it for always, and try every day to be a little more Wonderful.
Posted on: Sat, 06 Dec 2014 07:58:00 +0000

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