So. That just happened. Let it be known that I dont like - TopicsExpress


So. That just happened. Let it be known that I dont like calling out people by their in game names. I find it childish and can lead to people getting flamed on both sides of the party... Not what I want to happen but I figured it was worth mentioning/talking about, nor will I state the server Im on. So I joined a Gilgamesh farm party for Enkidu---now keep in mind that the drop rate for Enkidu is 100%. As long as you win, that chicken will drop and someone will have it as a minion. Im healing it and mid way through the fight the leader states Who wants the first chicken? and someone yells ME! The leader then asks for everyone to pass on the chicken so that person can get it. I would be happy to oblige with this if that were the conditions of the party from the get go--however this wasnt stated in the party finder and neither was what I did at a later point. So someone in the party objects to everyone passing and states We should all roll for the drop, thats fair I had agreed to this and at this time, someone IRL states Im hungry so I decide I will leave the party win or lose to prepare lunch. Granted I am a healer but this is Gilgamesh and there are plenty of people who would love the chance to get the minion and can heal. The party is also getting hit with AOES while the other healer is constantly getting chained so the thought of letting the party know mid-fight would have caused deaths or even a wipe. Seriously, by the time the chain would be broken off the other healer hed have 5% health left. This wasnt the best dps to be honest but they did their job and we won so I dont want to complain. To be fair this was my first time healing it, and I was still trying to get a handle on my positioning so I could have caused a death or two if Im not paying attention and heals werent as good as they COULD have been if I were familiar enough with healing it. So some lost HP was on me completely. So I roll and I win the chicken, I then proceed to leave the party. I check the party finder a few moments later to be sure they are still running and I wanted to be sure they found a replacement healer. The party finder then changed to the effects of (Im paraphrasing) This is a farm, stay for more than one run and dont run off after you get your drop. I was slightly annoyed by this and wrote to the party leader than myself and someone in my home was hungry so I had taken the time to prepare lunch; that I hadnt joined the party under this condition but life comes before the game and that they were being quite passive aggressive about me leaving the party. The leader than proceeded to call me a dick. I then let him know that again, real life needs had to be met and I would have said something mid party if I werent healing but I was. Im a PS4 player and I have to move my keyboard in front of me to type. Apparently I am still a dick for this. So I had told him that to be honest I am not obligated to stay in a party for any longer than I wish, even if I werent hungry or something didnt come up. I am free to leave a party whenever I chose as is anyone else who joins a farm party--be it if they get drops or they didnt and nothing says that they must namely since the party finder earlier didnt state that you Had to run multiple times. I seem to be and shall forever be a dick to this person by what he said. I had just decided to let it be, say good bye and wish him a good day as he is obviously beyond reasoning. I am the He-Man of dicks in this mans opinion, until the sea swallows all. Letting him know that he is salty because I got a pixelated chicken that drops 100% and that I have real life obligations that take far more importance than a video game. And that if anyone thinks I am a dick for that then well... screwem. King Kong aint got nothing on me; Super-dick-Champion-4000 it seems. I just left him be by again telling him to have nice day. You maybe wondering why I am putting this short essay on this page. Is it to get attention? Blow off steam? Rant about some random guy? Spread my legend as Dr. Manhattan-of-dicks? None of the above really. The point is to draw attention to one thing that has kind of blown my mind since getting into MMOs and that is: Why are people so angry when someone leaves a farm party earlier than you had assumed they would stay? After all it is just a video game and hundreds if not thousands of people play this MMO and replacements are just a shout away. People have lives outside of this game and there seems to be a lack of understanding with that. In hindsight I probably shouldnt have messaged him at all, let him be upset about it and move on. But I believed that talking to him and being honest about the situation would have been best. But that was not the case. As I was clearly Dick Cheney.
Posted on: Sat, 24 Jan 2015 21:35:44 +0000

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