So. Today I met with an extremely important person in my life. A - TopicsExpress


So. Today I met with an extremely important person in my life. A Soldier whom I had the pleasure to lead and to assist in molding! He told me things about me that ive hidden down very deep for too long. He pointed out an issue ive been dealing with unaware; but he did it with so much humility and understanding, with zero judgementalism, that I was amazed. Ive had leaders that I followed for years that did not teach me anything...and then my Soldier that I helped to mold and develop...used my own medicine to treat an issue within me...touche....I learned more from him in a 20 minute conversation than the aforementioned leaders that molded me for years. He affirmed that I did a great job as a leader of Soldiers which made it so hard to accept that im not there leading anymore. To all of my Soldiers: I love you guys! I enjoyed every minute I had with all of the one im speaking of....Peru.... you spoke life today into a heart that has felt so lost for so long....I want you to know that I would still die for you! The bond created in time will outlive us both! Thank you for who you are! Thank you for the friendship and the gift of love. Accepting people for who they are is of utmost importance, accepting them for what they are is a lie! Life and death begin within the heart!
Posted on: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 23:55:59 +0000

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