So Topics,What Was the top 5 Most Shocking Gaming moments of The - TopicsExpress


So Topics,What Was the top 5 Most Shocking Gaming moments of The Year 2014? Mine are: 1) Street Fighter V being announced and being A PS4 and PC exclusive. 2) Grim Fandango Remastered, Honestly That game is one of those games that I wished playing but never could because of how old it was, But when it was announced it was Coming to PS4 I was kinda shocked. 3) When It was announced the PS4 hit 10 Million units sold, Listen Im a Sony Pony and all but I DID NOT expect the PS4 to sell as much as it did, hell not even Nintendo did. 2) The Ending of Both Telltales Walking Dead Season 1 and 2, Honestly Telltale always gets me in the feels when it comes to the Little Clem. 1) When Pac-Man was announced to be in the smash Roster, Honestly I expected Mega man, Rosalina and Villager to be in the new Roster, BUT PAC-MAN? It was one of those moments where I wanted to run from my house to Gamestop to buy a Wii U. Damn Nintendo knows how to use The Nostalgia card.
Posted on: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 04:07:46 +0000

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