So V.I.P – the hosting organization of TEDxSinchon – is - TopicsExpress


So V.I.P – the hosting organization of TEDxSinchon – is recruiting! So V.I.P values sharing of knowledge and finding methods of coexistence through debates. So V.I.P stands for Society of people who have Vision, Integrity and Passion. Our members come from a variety of backgrounds, and we work together to positively influence and help each other grow. TEDxSinchon is the result of such efforts. So V.I.P has hosted a total of 7 events, with 53 speakers and around 1,300 participants to share “Ideas Worth Spreading”. The previous events had themes such as , , . Our most recent 7th event was themed ; we wanted to provide an opportunity to look at the world in a different, curious way. So V.I.P also offers study groups aside from TEDxSinchon activities to encourage sharing of new ideas. So V.I.P is looking for participants full of ideas and passion. We hope to see you soon! 1. All applicants must be over 19 years old and participate for at least 8 months once accepted. 2. Schedule - Application period: June 10, 2013 (Mon) – June 26, 2013 (Wed), 22:00 - Applicants who have successfully passed the document screening will be announced on TEDxSinchon’s official website on June 27, 2013 (Thurs), 22:00. (tedxsinchon) * Shortlisted applicants will be individually invited to interview - Interviews wil run for two days, commencing on June 29, 2013 and closing on June 30, 2013 - Applicants who successfully passed the interview will be personally contacted. * If accepted, you MUST attend workshop held on July 6-7 3. Application submission - Application period: June 10, 2013 (Mon) – June 27, 2013 (Wed), 22:00 - How to apply: Download and complete the application form from TEDxSinchon’s official website (tedxsinchon), attach the document file and send it to [email protected]. Please save the file name as yourname_2013_2nd_SoV.I.P.Application 4. Areas and numbers of recruitment - Number of recruitment: 0 organizers - Areas of recruitment: general, design, website development 5. Detailed information on areas of recruitment - General: includes Speakers Team (in charge of contacting and managing speakers), Operations Team (in charge of managing venue, equipments, facilitations and etc), Partnership Team (in charge of catering and supporting event management), HR Team (in charge of manpower allocation and managing So V.I.P study groups) and PR Team (in charge of public relations of TEDxSinchon and So V.I.P study group activities) - Webpage Team is in charge of developing and maintaining So V.I.P and TEDxSinchon’s official websites. You will have a chance to not only develop websites but also put your unique ideas to test. Webpage Team applicants must be able to code in PHP, Javascript and HTML. *Those who are experienced in CodeIgniter framework or basic MVC patterns, jQuery, Mysql Schema, basic Apache-Linux setting and utilization are preferred. - Design Team is in charge of all visual products of So V.I.P and TEDxSinchon. Our work mainly concerns graphic design, stage design, video-media design, web design but we also welcome your talents other genres like photography, media art, and the fine arts. We offer you an exciting opportunity to experience the extensive process from the concept planning phase, creating the early contents, and managing the final products in a very friendly and free atmosphere. We are looking forward to meeting individuals that will share their valuable work with us! * Requirements: Must be able to work with Photoshop, Illustrator or have an equivalent way of expressing themselves * Must have a thorough understanding and skills in media such as photography, video, motion graphics * Must have a thorough understanding and skills in constructing stage, space organization, lighting and stage materials * Web design requires basic understanding of HTML and CSS. 6. When preparing for an event… - You must attend at least one meeting per week (General meetings will be held on alternating Saturday afternoons and team meetings will be held at least once a week) 7. Miscellaneous - Feel free to submit your portfolios when applying for Webpage Team and Design Team - If you have any questions, please contact us at [email protected] - General applicants will be allocated to appropriate teams based on interview results Please do not hesitate to contact us for further questions and comments. Thank you very much!
Posted on: Sun, 09 Jun 2013 22:13:39 +0000

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