So. You think Darwins evolutionary scenario is right? Well, listen - TopicsExpress


So. You think Darwins evolutionary scenario is right? Well, listen to this: Your inner thermostat, located in the hypothalamus, is an engineering marvel. A change of as little as one degree Fahrenheit triggers your body to make lifesaving adjustments. When your temperature gets too high, blood vessels in your skin dilate to release heat. When it drops, they constrict and your sweat glands shutdown. Once your core temperature hits 97 degrees you can start shivering as a way to produce heat. Your heart beats 60 to 100 times every minute. Imagine doing bicep curls at the speed. !00,000 ties a day and 3 billion times in the average persons life. You have about 100,000 miles of various types of blood vessels and your heart pumps around 2,000 gallons of blood through them every day. In one day, you breathe 25,000 times, without trying. What if you had to do that consciously. You would never get anything else done or get to sleep. Your brainstem breathes for you. Your body demands 7 to 10 ounces of oxygen every minute. You lungs are totally designed to handle that sort of truckload of oxygen. They contain around 300 million microscopic alveoli, which provide the surface area to bring oxygen into the body while releasing carbon dioxide. Your kidneys cleaned and recirculated 50 gallons of blood. That is as much as a average medium cars gas tank would hold. To understand this high tech filtration system, all you have to do is look at someone who is on dialysis machines. They are the size of a mini-refrigerator to filter their blood. You body accomplishes this with to small organs each about the size of a computer mouse you use on your PC. They also help maintain proper hydration. That is why when you take lots of water the urine tend to be clear and when you do not the urine is darker. So do you still think that your body evolved from some chance occurrance of amino acids and other minerals evolving through millions of years to the complex entity your body is? Not hardly likely. Most amoebic and single cell creature do not evolve and those that do do not live long. The same is true in the animal and insect world. Mutated species do not live long. That is scientific fact. So what is left? Well, the Holy Bible says you were a created being created by God from the dust of the ground through Adam and Eve. I prefer this idea far more than that I evolved from some dumb monkey.
Posted on: Sat, 31 Aug 2013 01:19:18 +0000

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