So a couple days ago I was praying with a friend and she said - TopicsExpress


So a couple days ago I was praying with a friend and she said that while she was praying she saw I picture of us in her minds eye sitting in a beautiful garden. Im like,Cool.Today we were at the gym and I was reading.. I was getting frustrated, I said, Come on God!I need to hear from you!I feel like Im not getting anything from your word. I cant focus! And then I prayed, Throw me a fricken bone here!!! Yeah, I know... but God knows me. Any ways shortly after that I get to Matthew 14, when Jesus asked Peter to come out of the boat and walk on the water with HIm. Peter did but then saw the wind, got scared and started sinking. But then he cried out to Jesus, Lord, save me! Immediately, Jesus grabbed him and pulled him out. They got back into the boat. The wind died down. Everyone in the boat praised Jesus. They crossed over the lake and ended up on the shores of Gennesaret. People recognized Jesus, brought their sick and everyone who touched Him was healed. I normally dont just pick out random words or places but Gennesaret stood out to me. I said, I bet you anything, knowing what I know about God and His sovereignty, and non-coincidental detail, Gennesaret means something profound for the situation here.....Sure enough, it means... Garden of Riches.!!! Of course it does! Peter was asked by Jesus to take a step of faith. He did. God was glorified not because he became an expert water walker but he trusted God, even if for just a few minutes. And then after that they end up on the shores of the Garden of Riches.I told Justine, Typical God.... We both laughed. Nothing is in vain. Nothing is coincidence. Have faith and trust that you will constantly be asked to trust and have faith. You might fail. But God is glorified and you may find yourself in the Garden of Riches. Whatever those riches may be, Im sure theyre better than drowning.
Posted on: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 22:31:04 +0000

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