So a friend who shares a difference of opinion with me regarding - TopicsExpress


So a friend who shares a difference of opinion with me regarding the overall behavior of law enforcement posted yet another example of bad cops. And within that posting her friends created a game called police bingo which listed every conceivable excuse one could lay onto policemen...overall...implying that those who defend cops...overall...are defending murderers, thugs, and the true source of the police-state, which many of us believe is coming (if not already here). So, effectively, I guess, their little game is supposed to shut the mouths of those of us who see the vast majority of law enforcement as decent, caring, passionate people who truly live their lives putting their own lives on the line to protect innocent people every single day and who are forced to enforce expanding intrusiveness set upon supposedly free citizens by liberal Democrat politicians who create dozens of new laws every single day making us less free. So many of the people who have jumped on the mob band-wagon grouping all cops together are progressives who are supposed to believe that it is hateful to group people together and brandish them all as worthless and inhuman. Yet, I witness progressives in almost every debate using the tactics they supposedly abhor, especially when it comes to welcoming diverse ideas and people. They epitomize the word hypocrite in almost every discussion. I am so tired of using the phrase, pot, kettle, black when rebutting their hate in the name of stopping hate. So rather than debate, I offer this timeless speech from Paul Harvey who sums up mob mentality and the profound irony of those who pretend to never group people together brandishing all of them with the guilt of a few. Cherokee L Schill...your thoughts? https://youtube/v/RUUZ2fKVqcs?version=3&f=videos&app=youtube_gdata
Posted on: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 10:38:10 +0000

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