So a lot of you have asked about why I have Mayo Clinic as my - TopicsExpress


So a lot of you have asked about why I have Mayo Clinic as my Cover Photo. The answer is because Mayo Clinic is an amazing place, and I urge anyone and everyone to go there for medical help if they are not getting answers they need. I personally have been sick going on 7 long years. It started in 2007 when I was finally diagnosed with Addisons Disease. I was just starting to deal with all the difficulties of the Disease, then I was told I was Pre-Diabetic in 2009. Well that really sucked until I had full blown Diabetes in 2011 (that sucked even more). Type 2 thank God. I was on Shots 4 times per day. I kept having things go wrong and I could not get ahead. Then two years later 2013 (again imagine that) I hurt my back and had back surgery. I have had a hard time recovering from this. It was slow. One step forward two steps back. Now in 2014 I have gone to 5 or 6 specialists for pains in my feet, aching all over, tired all the time,you name it , I had it. Of course no real diagnosis, just more medications. 18 different medications plus 4 shots daily. It was quite overwhelming. And to boot, I was not well at all. Far from it. So with the urging of my family and friends I headed to Mayo Clinic. That was one of the best decisions of my life. Just to mention a few things, I do NOT have Rheumatoid Arthritis like I was told, I do NOT need shots for my Diabetes, my blood sugar readings are better without insulin. I was overmedicated on my steroids for the last seven years. My excruciating foot pain, is most likely from more back / nerve problems. They took me off A LOT of medications that I was on. I was so Happy when I left that place, I could hardly stand it. Finally answers!!!!!!!!!!!! So day by day I am getting better. I have lost 12 pounds in the last 2 weeks (thanks to less steroids), I have hardly any pain anywhere (except my feet) and I do not feel like I am in a fog. I am not saying that their are not good Doctors in our town. I am sure we have plenty here. I obviously just did not pick the right ones. And the ones I picked, did not communicate with each other. Mayo Clinic was the answers to my Prayers. The Doctors and employees there are God Sent. They are so knowledgeable, and caring. They take their time AND THEY LISTEN TO YOU. My appointments lasted 2 to 2½ hours with all the Doctors I was their for a week.. So what I am trying to say is, if no one is listening to you, and you feel that their is something wrong, take a trip to Mayo Clinic. (The one in Minnesota is only an hour from the Mall of America :) I am on my way to being much healthier than I have been in years. I am so glad my family did not let me give up..... Happy Thanksgiving Everyone. I have so much to be Thankful for this Thanksgiving, and I wish you all Health, Happiness, and Love.
Posted on: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 04:55:26 +0000

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