So a physician admits firing delayed or non-vaxing patients is - TopicsExpress


So a physician admits firing delayed or non-vaxing patients is bush league, however, he is not going to be the one who is going to stand up to the system because, well, you know...its the system. So, I say...what do your colleagues think? He doesnt know because you know, you just dont talk about those things. You get labeled if you speak out. I suggested that perhaps many, MANY of his colleagues may share his sentiment, but they too lack the courage to speak. One cannot deny, the overwhelming food allergies, auto-immune disease, rampant childhood cancer, autism--now 1 in 21 boys when one actually counts children, unlike the CDC...there is something very wrong. He shook his head dismissively--nope, he is certain its just him drawing these conclusions because he listens to his patients, implying the others do not. See the cardinal issues here? Of course the glaring problem, a lack of courage. In trying to defend his cowardice, he inadvertently clogs progress. Many many doctors are aligning with the parents who are actually reading the science, and they, like us, are mortified at what we have done to our children. So, in not sharing his suspicions with his colleagues he is actually a hindrance, and is now actually CAUSING more illness by choosing to remain silent. He warned me that sadly, my day may come too, where I get the letter. And then, what will I do? I am not in a position to be fired, I informed him. I like to view our staff as members of our healthcare partnership. But, when push comes to shove, I am the boss. I live with the decisions I make on behalf of my child. I do not simply hand down a diagnosis, plant my initials on some paper, and move on to the next and the next and the next and the next one. My commitment to this child and his well-being is for life and I choose to partner with those who see his individual healthcare issues. I choose to partner with those who read the science for themselves. I choose the most educated and compassionate physicians and specialists for my child because that is what he deserves. One does not fire those one partners with. One respects and considers and regards them with inherent equality. One does not live in fear of the power one may yield over the other, because in such relationships, the underlying TRUST is the rock upon which the foundation is built. So, you see, Dr. cowardice, does not enter into the lexicon in the world we parents and informed doctors and scientists are creating for ourselves. Because, THE TRUTH IS NOT SOMETHING YOU SHOULD BE AFRAID OF UNLESS YOU ARE THE ONE COVERING IT UP. Peace, The Rev
Posted on: Wed, 07 May 2014 19:36:22 +0000

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